I love you

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Lou's PoV-
A few hours have past since h went down for his nap and mum and Dan went to go get the kids from school and take them to see a film they asked us To go but I know harry will just get too overwhelmed and have a meltdown so we stayed here they should be back around 11-30pm as it's a Friday.
H wakes up and makes grabby hands towards me I pick him up and lay him on the bed.

"Daddy I need you" he says.

"What do u mean babe" i says not knowing what he means.

"Daddy please help me" he says now grabbing his dick through his wet pull up oh now I know what he means. I tear the side and take my boxers off slowly making out with him I flip it so he's on top with his hole near my cock I start to put a finger in and then another till he's stretched enough and I slowly go in. "Can I?" He says I nod and he starts bouncing on my dick he moans in pleasure "daddy" and "fuck me".

"I'm going to cum baby" I say moaning"
"Me too" he says. As he finishes his sentence we both cum he finally comes off and there's cum leaking out of his entrance and cum on my stomach he lays next to me panting.

"Want daddy's cum please" he says so I stand up and let him have at it his beautiful pink lips go up and down my throbbing cock I grab the back of his head and help him I grab my phone off the bed and take a picture of it. You can see him with my cock in his mouth like it's the only way to live. I tell him I'm going to cum and he gose harder till I cum in his mouth we both lay down a panting mess.
"Hey so u in headspace now or?" I say to him generally curious. He doesn't answer me just makes mumbling noises so I take that as a yes and grab him a pull up and get him changed not without taking a photo of him smiling.
I know he doesn't like his photo taken but I had to he looks gorgeous. Soon enough he's changed and I take him to the living room and sit him on the sofa finding a child friendly program, I go to the kitchen to grab some food for us being chicken nuggets and chips for him and for me a pasta salad. I put his food in the oven and walk back to him sitting down next to him, he crawls onto my lap. I get my phone out and start looking for somewhere for us to live I know my mum says we can stay as long as we need but I know harry needs his own space. The girls and mum and Dan soon come back and join us in the living room telling us all about the film they went to watch being Matilda the musical.

"H would love it, it was wonderful" mum says.

"It was brilliant Lou" Lottie says

"So what did you guys do when we where out anything exciting" mum says

"Haz wanted to do sensory time, and then we've just been sat watching tv for the rest of the time" making a lie because I couldn't really tell them what happened.

"Oh that's wonderful Lou did he enjoy it" mum asks

"Yeah I think so" I say

Harry starts to pull at my necklace trying to put it to his mouth it was a plain chain mum got me when I was younger. So I I take it off him and put in under my shirt. I know he wants his dummy that's in my pocket so I give it to him. Dan asks if the girls are ready for bed and sends them upstairs all of them saying goodnight to me and H it's currently 11:55pm it's way past his bedtime so I give him to Dan to hold and I go to make his bottle I ask Dan if he wants to feed him or if he wanted me to, he says he would as he hasn't held H at all since we've been here soon enough he's asleep so I take him up to bed putting him in the cot and get ready myself I grab a plain white shirt and black shorts with white socks and kiss H good night saying "I love you baby sleep tight" getting in my own bed falling asleep shortly after.


I woke up to H crying I think he lost his dummy in the sheets so I turn the light on to see if I can find it it's in his mouth strange so I check his nappy it's clean, I make him a bottle he won't take it I don't know what's wrong with him I pick him up and try to rock him back to sleep nothing he's boiling hot I lie him down and take his sleeper off I leave him in just his pull up he stops crying so I take him downstairs to make a cold drink for him if water and ice he takes it and soon enough he's starting to cool down I sit on the sofa with him knowing he won't go back to sleep now and put the tv on soon though he's burning up again it's 4:15am now so almost an hour since his first spike of fever I go to the medicine cabinet and find calpol to give to him praying it brings it back down it dose but not for long.  It's 5:30am everyone's starting to wake up for school and work Harry's still hot I lay him down on the floor with an ice pack on his forehead mum comes down to make breakfast for the girls and asks about H I tell her what's going on and she says it's probably just a bug.
I walk back to H and suddenly his eyes roll to the back of his head and his whole body stars moving I shout for mum to call 999 as I sit with him his dry pull up Turing wet his whole body still seizing up

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