Back in the day

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Louis PoV-
I always think back to the time in the band and how it all went down that day and how me and H got into this I love H I always have. I'm sat on the sofa H has just gone down for a nap in the cot everyone's out I can't help but think about that day


Friday 25th march 2015

Me and H are in the dressing room getting ready to go on stage it's Zayns last show with us I know he needs to get help I know he dose but it just hurts

"Lou Lou help with my trousers please" H says to me recently he's been acting more childish lately.

"Of course babe come here" I say helping him zip them up. Soon enough we're shoved on stage and told to preform or we will be forced to spilt up.
A few songs later a few hours later
We arrive back in the dressing room H has been wetting himself in his sleep recently so we've started putting him in a diaper straight after the show in case he falls asleep in the car I grab my backpack and find one going to find H I eventually find him sat with Niall on the sofa

"Come here H time to put this on" waving the diaper at him he huffs and lies down I pull his trousers down along with his boxers to his ankles I tap his thighs to Motion for him to lift his bum up which he dose so I can put it on him he lies back down and lets me put the tabs on I pull his pants up and leave him to watch something with Niall

"Boys 5 more minutes then we go home okay" I say to them I leave to find Liam and zayn having some sort of argument

"I did not fucking touch him li" zayn shouts as i enter the room

"Yes you fucking did, this is why your leaving the band" Liam responds waving his hands about

"I need the space and I can't keep doing it or it will kill me" zayn says almost crying

"Hey you two shut up H is in the next room, did you not think about him or ni please just be quite" I say I know H is old enough to hear this but I need to protect him.

"Sorry Lou it's just li he can't handle the truth" zayn says

I walk back out and head to see ni and H I walk in and Harry's cuddled up to Niall crying I run over to him

"Hey hey baby what's wrong" I say calmly

"Harry not like shouting" he says leaning into my shoulder

"Ni can you go tell Paul we're ready to go and let Liam and zayn know then wait in the car for me please" I say trying to get him out of the room

"Okay Lou Lou" he says

Shortly after he's left I'm stood up with H in my arms him sucking his thumb thinking about it I let him I make a note to grab some dummies on the way back aswell as some male lactation pills just in case H is eventually asleep so I grab mine and his bags walking to the car I don't have the heart to wake him up so I carefully place him on the seat next to me

"Hey Paul can we stop at the shop quickly I forgot to bring a toothbrush" I lie

"Of course is Tesco okay" he says

"Yeah of course" I reply

Soon enough we arrive and I get out walking quickly to the baby isle grabbing a 10 pack of dummies and the pills I go grab a toothbrush, cigarettes and a cotton candy vape for later I pay and walk back to the car. Soon enough we're back heading to the hotel

"So boys H and Lou are sharing a room, and Niall and Liam with zayn I don't want to hear any arguments" Paul says to us

We all nod and keep quite as we arrive I've got to walk H up we walk into the hotel and straight up to our rooms I unlock the door and walk towards the bed it's only a double in the room so we'll have to share

"H can we talk quickly before you go to bed" i say with him sat cris cross on the bed

"Okay" he replies

"So earlier you started having a meltdown cause of the loud shouting so I picked u up and you where sucking your thumb" I say

"Please don't tell anyone please Lou" he says in tears

"I won't but your not using your thumb to comfort yourself I got you something now you can say no if you want but can we give it a go" I suggest

"What is it" he says curiously

"A dummy" I say showing him the packet that was previously hid behind my back

"Okay I'll try it but if I don't like it can we try something else" he says

I open the packet and pass him a blue dummy with the words "daddy's little boy"written on he looks at me embarrassed

"Sorry H they were the only ones they had" I say

"It's fine Lou thank you" he says

"Right let's get you ready for bed, do u need to be changed" I ask

"I don't know" he says

"Is it okay if I check" I ask not wanting him to freak out

"Okay" he says liying down on the bed
I pull his pants down and sure enough he was wet so I change him and put him in a pair of long sleeve pjs with starts on them

"Right so are we using dummy at night H or only when you need it" i say giving him the choice

"Can I try it tonight please" he says I nod my head and get into bed next to him he cuddles up to me head on my chest he always dose this so it's not unusual soon enough I hear a soft sucking noise and he's asleep usually it's takes around 1-2 hours to get him to sleep I think I could get use to this I grab the Tesco bad off the floor and find my vape open the box and slowly move so I can vape out the window I don't want to hurt poor Hs lungs about 10 minutes later I get into bed drifting off to sleep thinking about how lucky I got meeting H

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