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Lous PoV-
Shortly after the ambulance arrived they started working on harry asking me loads of questions

"What's his full name" the paramedic asks.
"Harry Edward styles" I reply

"When's his birthday" he asks
"February 1st 2000" I reply

"How old is he" he asks
"22" I replied

"Any history of seizures" he asked
"No not that I know" I said

"Why is he in a pull up" he asks
"He regresses to a younger age" I say

"Okay sir if you'd like to follow us to the hospital we can take care of him there" he says I grab Hs bag and follow them.  When we arrive they wouldn't let me see him at first because he had, had another seizure on the way here. I sat in the waiting room harry bag at my feet I can't do anything but stare at the wall.

"Harry styles" the nurse asks

"Yes what's happening" I ask.

"Right now he's calm he dose have restraints on his hands and legs to stop him from hurting himself if he has another seizure, he alert and awake but very slow with his words unfortunately he did have an accident and had to be changed by a nurse which he didn't like" she says all this information I just want to see my  baby.

"So can I go see him" I say hoping that I will be allowed.

"Of course you'll just have to tell me your make and I'll give you a sticker with your name and Harry's name on it" she says I know it's for safety reasons

"Yes it's Louis William Tomlinson" I say she just puts Louis w. Tomlinson and passes it to me to put on my shirt I grab his backpack.

"He's in room 288 just down the hall and on your left" she says

"Thank you so much" I say making my way to his room preparing myself for what I could see.
I open the door and he's lead on the bed with restraints on him and wires coming out of his arm.

"Hey baby" I say walking towards his bed.

"Daddy" he says groggily

"Yes it's me baby, how you feeling" i ask

"Weird head hurt" he says. Bend down and kiss his forehead a doctor walks in.

"So boys I would like to do a scan on Harry's head to see what the corse of the seizures where and then you guys can go home, dose that sound alright" he asks

"What do you think H" i say giving him the choice.

"Scary daddy" he said

"I promise baby I'll stay with you the whole time I won't leave you" I say
He nods his head and the doctor takes us to radiology to get a scan it's takes all of 30 minutes and we're back in the room with H lead on the bed and me on the chair he fell asleep 15 minutes later the doctor walks in.

"So boys I have some news, the scan declared that Harry's brain and those of an epileptic patient are the same, so with that I am sorry to tell you that harry has epilepsy I don't know what caused his seizures but I'm going to prescribe some medication that should help him" he says as Harry's sat there confused.

"So your telling me I'm epileptic and that's why I had the seizures" H asks

"Yes you could have gone your whole life not knowing untill you had a seizure it can happen to anyone harry" the doctor says

"So can I go home now" harry asks

"Of course let me go get the realse forms and you can go" he says walking out

"Hey baby we can get through this I know we can" I say taking his hand in mine

"Why me Lou, what did I do" he says starting to cry

"Hey hey you'll be okay you did nothing wrong baby" I say bringing him in for a hug, soon enough a nurse comes in and tells us we can go I taoe harry to the bathroom and change him I put him in a pair of grey pants and a white shirt with a pair of converse, we make our way out of the hospital hand in hand and to the car.

"You can sit with me in the fount if you want to or your car seat is in the back"I say

"With you" he says I open the passenger side door and let him in I open the boot and put his backpack in making my way to the drivers side door we make a stop to McDonald's to get some lunch and head home when we arrive I let him out and we walk to the door i use the key and open it we both enter the kitchen sitting at the table to eat I put H in the highchair with he doesn't care and give him his food it's about 11:30am almost time for him nap so I take him to the living room and sit with him. He hasn't really said anything the whole time since we found out and I don't think he will. He slowly makes his way to my lap with his thumb in his mouth.

"Hey baby ready for a nap" i say knowing he'll sleep a few hours that he missed in the night.

" o'tay" his says around his thumb i run my fingers through his hair and slowly he's fallen asleep. I gently take him upstairs and place him in the cot I turn on the baby monitor and head downstairs. As i get to the last step the door opens and mum and Dan walk in.

"Hey Lou how's H" mum asks taking her coat of putting it on the coat rack

"Yeah he's fine now" I say walking towards the living room mum and Dan joining me

"So what did the hospital say" dan says

"He's got epilepsy and that's why he had the seizures, why him mum, why H he didn't do anything wrong" I say crying into my hands.

Mum doesn't say anything and just pulls me closer to her side

"I know love, I know these things just happen" she says
Suddenly I hear a cry from the baby monitor. As I try to get up Dan stops me

"Hey I've got it Lou I'll go see him" he says walking up stairs coming down 10 minutes later

"He lost his dummy that's all no need to panic" he says reassuring me

"Thank you, thank you both I don't know what o would do without you guys" I say

Another cry comes from the baby monitor this one was more like a scream so I run up the stairs to see H he's having another seizure I start a stopwatch on my phone and hold his hand 2 minutes 15 seconds later he finally stops. He has a wet nappy so I pick him up and change him. He soon falls back to sleep so I lay down

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