➶ Valentines Day Special ➶

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"hey Joey" Darry said as I walked through the door with bags in my hand. "watcha got there?" I had gone out shopping seeing as we needed more food, and chocolate cake.

"Just some Eggs, milk, chocolate cake" I said unpacking it all on to the kitchen bench. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "what about-"

"Ponyboy's at the Movies with Johnny and Soda's out with Steve" He said. Darry and I were dating in a sense, but we hadn't told the gang and we don't plan to. "what's this?" he asked picking up my packet of Pocky sticks.

"oh, Its pocky, I would have gotten strawberry but they only chocolate" I grabbed the eggs and put them in the fridge.

"why would get strawberry? chocolate it way superior" he said in know it all voice.

"sure~. Hey! Here's an idea, why don't we play a little game?" I said in a challenging tone. Darry always like a good challenge.

"heh, Aight bet" I snatched the pocky out of his hands and hoisted myself up on the bench as he moved to stand in front of me. I ripped open the packet and got a stick out and showed him.

"ok so two people begin eating one Pocky from each end. The first person whose mouth comes off the Pocky or the other player gets to the middle first loses" I explained as I put the pocky in my mouth.

'you sure your just not trying to get me to kiss ya?" he asked with a smirk and I slapped his shoulder. He playfully rolled his eyes but bit the other end of the pocky stick.

He held his smirk as he bit closer and closer to the middle. I will admit this is exactly what I wanted, but I was not prepared for him to be so fucking hot. 'shit' I thought and backed out leaning my head on his shoulder. "looks like I win" he said still smirking and enjoying the nice treat.

"but I want my prize" he said picking my head up and kissing me.

"Darry, You here?" I kicked Darry in the gut and hopped off the bench. "oh there you are" Soda said walking inside with Steve. "what were you guys doing?"

I was about to open my mouth but Darry had just explained how I had told him about the pocky game, though he didn't specify it was for couples. I mean anyone can do it, but many couples do it.

| later that evening | third pov |

"ok you ready?" Soda asked as he sat across from Steve ready to try the pocky game Darry had mentioned earlier.

"you're on" Steve said matching Soda's competitiveness.

They both began eating separate ends of the pocky stick, neither backing out. Soda noticing Steve getting pretty close, he punched him in the face declaring he won. "you did not win!" the two continued to banter before Johnny and Pony came walking through the door.

"what are you guys doing on the floor?" Pony asked as they both looked at the two boys wrestling on the floor.

"Soda punched me!" – "well I wanted to win!"

"w-win what?" Johnny asked slightly hiding behind Ponyboy.

"this pocky stick game, Darry told us about" Soda said showing them the packet of pocky.

"you know this game's for couples right?" Ponyboy said trying to stifle a laugh. Soda and Steve paused and then turned to each other before wrestling again calling each other gross and stupid.

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