Prologue: Wrong House

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You were reading your favorite book in your bedroom in a warm cozy bed. Your phone suddenly ran loudly, gaining your attention from the book. You placed the book on the nightstand before you looked, it was from your boyfriend, Josh. You smiled slightly before you accepted the call.

"Hi, beautiful! What've you been up to while your better half wasn't around?" Josh's voice shouted from the phone with excitement to hear your voice.

"Hi, Josh! I've finished a lot of paperwork and watched a lot of TV shows." You answered him as you watched the blizzard through the window.

"I'm warning you, (Y/N), if you watched the third season of "Dark Vengeance" without me, there will be blood." You giggled lightly at his playful threat.

"So, what was your trip? Everything went well?"

"We've already finished negotiations, so I'll be home sooner than you think. I took a bunch of pics, just like you asked. Let me send you one right now. What do you want to see - my photo in the mountains or from the pool? I forgot to say, that hotel had a luxurious swimming pool!"

"A luxurious swimming pool, huh? It sounds nice to me. Send me that one." You answered with your finger on your chin. Your cheeks turned red at the thought of him in swimming trunks and showed his six-packs.

"Yeah, sure. You just want to see the pool, right? And seeing me in a swimsuit has absolutely nothing to do with it." You could imagine the smirk on his lips, judging by the tone of his playful voice. Your phone buzzed as he sent a photo for you, you clicked open and met with his gorgeous body.

He was holding the drink in his hand as he lay down on the beach mat, he had sunglasses on his eyes and the sun shone on his body, sparkling it beautifully. You noticed how the sunglasses lowered down from his eyes a little, allowing you to see his gaze on the camera, meant to look at you through the camera lens.

While you were admiring the photo of Josh, he suddenly spoke up which flinched you a little. "You should've gone with me. I know that you don't like meeting new people and are quite homesick, but... I'm worried about you, (Y/N). I'm pretty much the only person you talk to and enter your house. It's Christmas Eve and no one has even congratulated you yet."

You nodded your head, agreeing with him. You weren't able to send a letter to your parents anymore after you moved out of your hometown. You missed them dearly but had to avoid them to keep them safe. But you soon remembered that you had received the letter from the mailbox.

"Don't be so sure. I got a letter. I just haven't read it yet." You replied.

"Did someone write you a personal letter? That's so cool! Open it up and tell me what's inside! It's near the entrance, right?"

"Yep." You answered as you went out of the bedroom and went downstairs while kept holding the phone to your ear.

"I wonder what's inside the envelope."

"Me too."

You soon went to the front door and saw the Christmas card, you turned it around to see the text on it. The letter was familiar.

Baby, I miss you so much. It's a pity that everything ended so badly. I'm ready to give us another chance. Yes, maybe I did some stupid things before, but I won't do them again. It's a pinky promise! :)

Let's meet and discuss everything, okay?


You felt uneasy at this letter. You realized that it wasn't from your parents, nor your friends because you didn't tell them your new address, and it wasn't your boyfriend either. You read the text as you noticed the words 'another chance' and 'stupid things', it reminded you of your ex-boyfriend.

Crimson Snow (Male! Joyce x reader x Male! Ex)Where stories live. Discover now