Chapter 3: Second Floor

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You soon found yourself in the laundry room as you opened the door. You noticed the green door with a red ribbon was locked. You lit up the flare as you heard the siren, you quickly headed to the window to look, and you then got a call from your boyfriend.

"Do you hear it? It sounds like the police are here. Hey, I'm here! Come here, please! I see the light in a nearby house. Is that you? Are you on the second floor?"

"Yes, I'm on the second floor!"

"I don't think they've noticed you. You need to find another window that's more visible, so the police can see you."

You nodded in response as you checked around and went through the narrow way, following the light on the ground. As you walked, searching for the window, you heard the man's screech, the police shooting at something, and the sound of the window crashing before everything went silent.

You knew immediately that the police couldn't defeat that monster and now you were hopeless. You looked through as you gasped to see the police's corpse at the window. You quickly accepted the call from Josh as you heard his voice was full of despair.

"God, Did you see that?"


"They're all dead. We'll never get out. He'll come for both of us."

"Josh, we'll be okay. We can do this." You tried to comfort your boyfriend.

"You're right. We can't give up. We're doing this for us. I heard him mumbling something. I don't know if this helps, but he said something about the wedding he will finally have."

"Oh, no. I saw that monster talking about him having a wedding tonight and that he won't let me have it with someone."

"What? He means you, isn't he?"

"I think it is. And I'm supposed that the ring is your gift?"


"Josh, what does it mean?"

"I'll tell you later. I need to tell you something before I forget it. I... I saw that he threw one of the cops through the window of your building."

"Yes, I saw him."

"Try to find him. Maybe he has a gun on his body..."

"So it means that I have to get across from here. Got it." You hung up as you went to open the door but you saw the man jump towards you before he disappeared. You tried to calm your heart down as you quickly shut the door.

Your eyes laid on the table as you approached it. You saw many Christmas postcards on the table. All the texts were crossed out except five words.


"I can't come."

"I'll be late."

"... Visiting my family..."

"... Stuck at work..."

"Those are my old postcards. I started sending them to my ex-boyfriend when I couldn't talk to him anymore... So that was him?"

You noticed another note beside it as you read it.

He left. He won't bother us.

(Y/N) bought something. She seems happy after walking from the bathroom. She was holding something. What does it mean?

Crimson Snow (Male! Joyce x reader x Male! Ex)Where stories live. Discover now