Chapter 2: Basement

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You walked down as you saw the light blinking. It was too dark that you had to light up the flares. You soon got another call from Josh, but your eyes widened as you heard Josh yelling out at something terrifying.

"(Y/N)! He's here! No! Get away from me, you little shit!"

There was a crashing sound before everything went quiet. "Josh! Are you okay? What happened?!"

"He's... he's gone. (Y/N), these are not hallucinations. He isn't human. I'm fine. I was hiding just like you said. I had time to prepare before he found me. But dammit, he took my gift."

"Your gift?"

"Yeah. He stopped attacking me after he found out about the gift and took it away."

"It's okay. I'm fine without that." You tried to soothe him but his anger didn't tone down.

"No, it isn't! I was about to give it to you. It's very important to me!"

"Important... to you?"

Josh went silent for a minute before he apologized to you. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Just forget it. I can get another one."

"No, it's okay. If you want it back, I can get it for you."

"No, you don't! (Y/N), you have to get out of there. Just ignore it!"

"But you said--"

"Your life is more important than that gift! I can't live without you!"

You went silent as you realized things, you had to keep yourself alive and not get killed. "Yeah. You're right. I promise I will get out of here safe."

"And (Y/N), another thing... When that man attacked me, I launched the fireworks at him. It seems to have scared him off. I think he doesn't like bright lights. Try to find something similar. I hope this will help you."

"I got it - I need to find something that burns brightly. Josh, be careful. You need to focus on survival."

"Okay, we'll get through this. We have to get through this. (Y/N), he can come back at any moment. What should I do? Do you have any suggestions?"

You thought for a moment as you thought of two ideas, the first one was kept hiding under the table and the second was searched for more fireworks to chase the man away.

You decided to choose the latter as it would protect him better than hiding. "Find a flashlight and more fireworks. Try to drive him away with bright light."

"I will try... God, I hope it works."

"I believe in you, Josh."

"Thanks, (Y/N). I'll try to call the police, but I don't think they will arrive here fast enough in this weather. One more thing... Please, be safe. I love you."

"I love you too." You said in a sad tone as he hung up. You kept looking around the area as you went through a lot of stuff blocking you, you had to light the firework up along the way to see the way clearer.

You flinched as you saw the shelf wobbling to the right and the stuff falling. You sighed in relief as you decided to crawl through it. You mindlessly crawled through but you soon flinched out of fear and terror as you saw the man suddenly appear in front of you.

"Baby, I told you to stay where you are."

You kept your mouth shut as you stared at him, his lips turned to an evil smirk as he bent down backward inhumanly. He turned back up before he crawled into the vent. You soon crawled out as you lit the fireworks up. You went to the door and found out it needed electricity to open the door. You noticed something shiny in the dark area.

Crimson Snow (Male! Joyce x reader x Male! Ex)Where stories live. Discover now