Chapter 4: Proposal (END)

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You pushed the door open before you felt something eerie before you saw your ex far away from him.

"Sweetie! Come here..."

You felt some force pulling you to him, you tried to shake out of it to free yourself. Your eyes caught a glimpse of a firework powder floating, with your quick thinking, you shot at the powder, making it blow on his face. He screamed in pain as the flame was all over him before he vanished into the grey smoke.

You quickly stood up carefully as you coughed out the smoke. You followed the lights on the ground back to the way you left before you walked through the gap and walked back to the green door that was locked. You shot the lock again and opened it to see two presents on the ground.

Your present was unwrapped, revealing a pregnancy test with a positive result. You quickly closed your present down before you noticed another present beside you. You opened it to see it was Josh's engagement ring. You then suddenly formed a plan in your head.

"He is obsessed with this wedding plan. If I pretend to accept his proposal by standing under the tree, it will definitely get his attention. I can't avoid him anymore. We need to end this. He was obsessed with chasing, and I was obsessed with running away. Now it's all over for both of us."

You looked up to see the door in front of you. You opened it and were about to walk downstairs but suddenly your phone vibrated, you picked up to see Josh was calling you.

"(Y/N), I heard gunshots. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I think I figured out a way to stop him." You replied to him.

"You know how to stop him? Tell me."

"I have your gift for me. I'll use it and me as bait."

"Did you find my present? Good." You heard Josh sigh before he asked you again. "You know, he stole my Christmas decorations for a reason. It looks like he's obsessed with spending Christmas with you. Maybe if you put a present by the Christmas tree it will distract him. Just don't forget to put fireworks everywhere first..."

"Yes, I got it."

"And (Y/N)..."


"Please be careful. It's not only about you but also our baby too." You shut the phone down and kept it in your pants. You walked downstairs and collected the flares along the way.

You finally arrived at the Christmas tree room, you inhaled deeply as you secretly placed tons of fireworks under the tree before you stood in front of the tree and held the engagement ring in your hands.

"You... chose me."

You felt a shiver as you heard your ex's shakingly voice coming toward you. You turned around slowly and saw he was smiling creepily at you.

"Thank you. Baby, I'm waiting for you. This moment... it's finally come true."

You watched your ex kneel on the ground before he gave Josh's ring to you.

"Will you marry me?"

You started to feel emotional, you didn't want to hurt your ex's feelings, you both loved each other immensely, but it was in the past now and he was going to ruin your new life if you didn't stop him now.


Your ex breathed out happily as he stood up and placed the ring down on the table in front of the tree. His hands cupped both of your cheeks before his lip placed on yours. You closed your lips tightly as you felt uncomfortable with it.

"We will be together. We'll be a family."

"Well, I have a present for you as well." You rubbed the back of your head as you turned him away from the tree, preventing him from noticing the fireworks placed under the tree. "But you have to close your eyes before you will turn around, okay?"


You quietly sneaked to the corner where the button was, you went behind it as your hand raised, preparing to press it.

"Okay, you can turn around."

Your ex turned around as his eyes sparkled at the Christmas tree in front of him, he was stunned without noticing the fireworks near his feet.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" You yelled as you pressed the button hard, the fireworks exploded as your ex quickly closed his eyes because of the light and he used his arms to shield himself, screaming in pain.

You stood in front of him before you lifted the gun and fired at him. One of the bullets hit him as he looked up at you with eyes full of rage. You gasped as he teleported away and screamed in agony.

You walked around the house as you raised your gun, you noticed the fireworks powder all around the hallway, you encountered your ex coming towards you with arms reached out, you immediately shot at the powder, stunning him for a while before you shot his body. He then teleported to a different location before attacking you again.

You kept defending yourself with the gun and shot at the powder before shooting him until his body stopped before it floated and his body had a purple light and blasted everything.

You shielded your eyes from the light with your arms before it turned dark again. You looked up from your sleeve to see your ex's body lying on the ground lifelessly.

Your phone suddenly vibrated again and you immediately picked up.

"The doors are open, (Y/N)! The doors are open! You did it! My God, (Y/N), I love you so much!" You chuckled lightly at his excitement. You thought that he would jump around the house outside right now. "Come to my house. You won't get lost this time, I guarantee it."

You closed the phone down before you hurriedly went to the front door and turned the knob, you happily gasped in delight. You came out of the house as you saw police cars in front. You suddenly saw a light in the sky, it was a firework shooting into the sky.

You smiled widely as you knew that it was Josh who shot the fireworks for you to come to him correctly. You kept going and going through the thick snow until you saw his figure from afar.

Josh smiled widely as he noticed your figure coming closer to him, he dropped the fireworks down before gently pulling you into a hug. You quickly hugged him out of relief and happiness.

"Oh my God, you come back!" Josh exclaimed as he pulled out of a hug. You looked up at him as you picked up his engagement ring.

"So, Josh. About that ring..." Josh gulped in nervousness as you handed the ring back to him. He then saw you pick up the ring and put it on your left ring finger.

"My answer is 'yes'."

Josh gasped loudly as he lifted you in the air, you wrapped your arms around his neck as well. Josh twirled you around for a while before he put you down. You then felt his hand gently touch your belly and pat it three times.

"And this baby..." You watched Josh leaning to your stomach as he whispered in a soothing tone. "... will have the best parents in the world."

You smiled at him before you looked up at the dark sky, thinking to yourself.

"Yeah... We will."





Crimson Snow (Male! Joyce x reader x Male! Ex)Where stories live. Discover now