Chapter 05

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I went back to Mercedes to wait for my brother. As I saw him I ran to his hug and he kissed my hair

"My world champion!!" I said crying from happiness

"That was for my sister" we keep hugging and then our dad came

"My son I couldn't be more proud!" He said hugging Lewis

"Thank you dad! Really!" Then my dad hugged me "I saw you outside Alpha Tauri with Pierre and to be honest I was really happy! Did something change?" I sighed and I lied to him

"No unfortunately no! Just I told him something and..."

"What happened dear?" Lewis looked at me

"Will you tell him?" I nodded

"I was pregnant dad and I found it the morning we broke up and I was going to tell him but we broke up! At night if the same day I lost the baby... Only Lewis knew" I said and then I sighed

"Oh honey" My dad said and he hugged me "Why you didn't tell us?"

"Because I don't want you to treat to me like a baby and do me favours because I was in bad situation!"

"Oh my daughter! That was really hard!" I sighed

"Yeah but Lewis really helped me!" I clapped my hands "Now! We don't think about bad memories! We have an 8 time world champion here!" I saw Pierre to the garage of Mercedes when he saw me he smiled and he came

"Hi" he said looking at me

"Hi" I said with a small smile to my face

"Lewis" Pierre turned to Lewis "Congratulations on your eight" he said and they had a bro hug

"Thanks Pierre" My dad placed his hand to Lewis' arm as him and Pierre broke the hug

"Lewis I think we should leave them alone!" My dad said and Lewis nodded

"Ehm Nicole there here a lot of cameras you can go to my room" Lewis said and I turned my head to Pierre

"That's completely fine and I prefer that!" He said with a smile

"Yeah thanks" I said to Lewis and me and Pierre stared walking to Lewis' room.

As we were walking Pierre placed my hand on his and we were walking hand by hand. We both looked at each other and we giggled. The atmosphere was so awkward but amazing at the same time. No one of us wanted to talk we just love the moment. We went to my brother's room and we sat on the bed

"So, did you want something?" I ask Pierre knowing him better than his mother

"Yes, I made a conversation to Kika and I wanted to tell her that I want to break up with her but... She said again about than god damn video! I'm so sorry Nicole!" Pierre kissed my hair "I love you and I'll do whatever I can to be with you! I'll find the video and I swear to the God I'll destroy it without watching it! It's so stupid to love someone and you can't be with her because of a God Damn video Nicole! Fortunately, I know what I want from my life and I want you and I'll fight for you!" Pierre is so sweet and I really love the way he speaks about us... I want him back as well

"Pierre, you hurt me! You lied to me! You said that you want to stay focus on your career and then you were with her!" Pierre grabbed my hands

"I told you that as one more reason that it was fake... A girl, and if we speak about you, you can't distract me from my career! You have helped me a lot of times with different ways! Do you remember for whom I won in Monza last year? For you!" I like the way he speaks it makes me want him even more! But he hurt me so much and he still does with the way he speaks. He gave a kiss to my hair "I love you Nicole" he stood up and he left the room.

As he left and he slammed the door I threw a pillow and I lied on the bed and I started crying. Then the door opened and someone came to me and hugged me.

From the smell I can say it's Lewis I turned my head and Lewis placed his hands on my cheeks

"I love him Lewis... I can't live without him!" I said crying and then I lied on his chest

"I'm here don't worry sis!" He said and he kissed my head. As I calmed I went back to the girls

"Nicole!" Elena said and she hugged me "Why are you crying girl?" I looked at her

"I need to tell you something girls!" I said and I hugged Heidi I broke the hugged and I looked at both "I was pregnant... I found it the morning before Pierre break up with me. I was planning to tell him at night but we broke up and I went to Lewis in Monaco. Lewis was the first person I told that I was pregnant. At night I was sleeping and I felt pain on my stomach and I had blood in my nightdress and I lost the baby..." they both were looking at me in shock and non of them react.

Elena broke the silence hugging me

"Why you didn't tell us my girl?" She said with a voice that I can say that she cried

"I wanted to tell you! I mean if I didn't lose the baby I would tell you obviously! But I didn't want to tell you about the miscarriage because I hate the way people look at you when you lost someone! I was feeling so guilty and Lewis helped me" Elena made a step back and Heidi hugged me

"I understand why you didn't tell us and it's completely fine!" She broke the hug and she looked to my eyes "Okay?" I nodded.

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