Chapter 15

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Monaco Grand Prix
"Will you post?" Pierre asked me and I nodded "Yes!"

nicolehamilton and pierregasly

nicolehamilton New member is on the way

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nicolehamilton New member is on the way...
Baby Gasly comes this October...
Liked by lewishamilton, itselenaberri, heidiberger_ and 201,203 others

lewishamilton YES! I'll be an uncle!

roscoelovescoco I'll have a cousin!

itselenaberri I'll be the godmother!
-> heidiberger_ Me too!
-> nicolehamilton Of course you'll be!

estebanocon I'll be the best uncle-friend!
-> danielricciardo No! I'll be!


"Daniel and Esteban already fight who is going to be the best uncle" I sighed and I smiled "Lewis will be the best uncle! Sure about that!" Pierre kissed me "I'm so happy that I am back here!" I looked outside "Will you be safe?" I asked him and he nodded "Yes baby don't worry! I'll have to protect my family now!" I gave him his helmet and he gave me his phone "If someone call me pick it up don't worry!" I kissed him "Good Luck my love" I said and he smiled "I love you!" He took on his helmet and he sat on his car. I bite my lip, I was so nervous. This is his first race after Bahrain and I'm so nervous... I know that he is a great driver but that is too much for me... I'll try to be calm just for my baby! I don't something happened! Monaco is such a dangerous track and I'm so scared!


Lewis won the race and Pierre ended P9! I went to the podium to enjoy my brother's victory. As he saw me he came and he hugged me "That's amazing! I love it!" I said with a smile to my face "Love you sis!". I watched the podium with a smile to my face, I'm so happy every time he wins! He makes everyone understand that he is the greatest of all time! After the podium I walked back to Alpine and to Pierre "Pieeeeeeere Gaslyyyyyyy!" I said as I watched him, Pierre hugged me and he kissed me "How P9 feels?" I asked and he smiled "I want to have a victory this year! For our baby!" I know that Pierre will be an amazing father for our child! I placed my hands around his neck and I kissed him "Look at you!" Elena said and she laughed, I turned to her "We are so cute!" Pierre said and we all laughed "Will you come at Jimmy'z?" Elena asked and I looked Pierre and then Back to Elena "We'll come but I'll drink just a glass of rose wine!"


I wore a cute black dress that is too skinny! Pierre smiled at me "You're so sexy!" He placed his hands around my waist and I placed my hands around his neck "I love you" I said with a smile "I love you too" Pierre said and he kissed me "Ready?" He asked me and I nodded.

Pierre drove to the club and I was looking at the buildings to the whole ride... I really love Monaco but my heart belongs to Milano! We arrived to the club and we walked to the VIP room. "Ow! My pregnant girl!" Lewis said and he hugged me "Hello everyone!" I said and I sat, Pierre sat next to me "Ow! I have not realise that you are pregnant!" Elena said and she hugged me "When will you find the gender?" Heidi asked me "In a month!" I said with a smile "And also we'll have the gender reveal in Monaco the next month and we decided to invite all of you!" Pierre said with a smile and he placed his arms around my shoulders "Ow! Of course we'll come!" Kelly said with a smile. We started talking for a lot of themes, all of them were drinking but I d didn't. I don't want to walk to the whole people inside until I'll arrive to bar and take a glass of wine so I didn't drink, the only one who realised that I don't have a drink was Mick "Nicole, you don't want to drink something? A radler? A juice? A wine? I don't know what you can drink!" "No I'm fine don't worry!" Pierre looked at me "Babe, why you didn't tell me? You said you'll have a glass of wine but you didn't tell me go and take you!" He stood up and I smiled "Pierre, say to take this to my bill!" Lewis said and Pierre nodded, I smiled watching him going to brought me a glass of wine "I'm jealous of you!" Elena said and I smiled "Why?" I asked her giggling "You have such an amazing boyfriend!" Esteban raised his eyebrow "And I'm not?" She turned to him "I mean that she is pregnant you idiot and Pierre is treated her like a queen!" Elena said and I started laughing "You two are so funny!" I said with a smile to my face. Pierre came and he sat next to me, he gave me the glass of rose wine "Thanks babe" He kissed my forehead and he took his vodka, he placed his arms around my shoulders. We had really fun together and we left around 4. I drove back to my apartment because Pierre drink so it was better to not drive!

I slept on his chest. The next day I woke up seeing Pierre do gymnastics, I smiled. He was to the balcony of our bedroom, I stood up and I walked there "Good Morning my love" I said and Pierre let the weights down and he came to me, he kissed me "Good Morning my love! Unfortunately I have to go in France, will you stay here or do you want to go back to Milano?" "No I'll stay here and I'll come to Spain with Kelly don't worry!"

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