Chapter 23

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I walked to Mercedes garage to tell my brother that everything is fine between me and Pierre, as I was walking I watched Daniel and he hugged me "Hey!" I said and I broke the hug "Hey! Is everything okay?" I nodded "We are back together!" I said and a big smile appeared to Daniel's face "That's amazing! You are such a nice person Nicole!" He said and I smiled "I know that I am! Do you think that it was good of me?" He nodded "You and Pierre are meant for each other! You are a couple that over the fights and the arguments you and him find ways to let them go! You are like the flower and the bee! They can't live without each other!" I smiled, he's right obviously we fight a lot of times but we are meant for each other "Thanks Daniel I appreciate that" I waved at him and I walked to Mercedes, as Lewis watched me a big smile appeared to his face "Just tell me that you two are fine!" I giggled and I nodded "Yes!" I said and Lewis hugged me, he obviously is happy "He kicked" he said and he did a step back "Maybe he'll be a footballer!" I said and I kissed his cheek, I am so proud that my son will have an uncle someone like Lewis! He is so smart and protective man!

Race day
"Do you want to come from a back door or from the paddocks?" I looked outside the car, if I wouldn't go with I was gonna take the car and drive to a back door and park there, I looked at Pierre "No I'll come from the paddocks with you!" He smiled and I got out of the car, him as well when I closed the door he locked the car and we started walking hand by hand to the paddocks, everyone was looking at us. For me that moment is just me and Pierre. Him and I. I love Pierre more than everything to this world and I'm happy that I forgave me and we'll be together! We walked to Alpine and as Elena watched us she had the biggest smile on her face "You two! Ow!" She said looking at us, Pierre looked at Esteban and he nodded "Babe I have a meeting" he said and he kissed me "Oh. Okay then, I'll sit here with Elena!" I smiled and I sat next to her "you have a really good relationship with him..." she said and I smiled "I love him!" I said and I looked Pierre that he was walking to his meeting... I love him...


October 7th

"Are you ready to push?" The doctor said and I nodded, I placed my elbows to the bed and I looked at the TV I asked them to have, today is the Japan Grand Prix and Pierre is driving, Heidi and Elena were with me during the labour, I started pushing and at the same time Pierre was leading the race, I was pushing for hours, Alpine called a lot of times to ask if I gave birth. "One more time!" The doctor said and I pushed once again with my whole strength, I heard a baby crying and Elena with Heidi screaming "He is here!" The doctor said and I just was too tired to react, I heard that Pierre won the race but at the same time Elena called Alpine and told that I gave birth, my baby boy is to my arms now and I had Pierre to the other side of the phone "Shit" he said crying as he heard his son's crying "He's here!" I said having tears to my eyes "Oh my God! Yes Yeah! Our firstborn is here babe!" I smiled "And his name is Anthoine Lewis Gasly" "Our baby boy!" "I want to speak to my brother now!" I hanged up and I called Mercedes Bonno connected me to Lewis "No! You didn't!" He probably hears that I gave to my son his name "I did!" "I love you brother!" "The baby Lewis! I'm so happy! After the podium we're leaving for Milano! I'm so happy!"


As I ended the breastfeeding I covered my chest with the bra and I looked at Anthoine, he is blonde but it's too early to say that! I heard steps then I looked and I watched Pierre and my brother, Pierre had a big smile to his face "My son" he said and he took him to his arms, he kissed me "I love you" I smiled at him "I love you too" I looked at Lewis and he came and hugged me "I'm so proud!" He said and I understood that his eyes are ready to cry, Lewis broke the hug and we looked at Pierre and Anthoine "Look at him!" Pierre said and we both smiled "He's handsome" he said and he looked at me "Babe he's amazing" Pierre said and he sat next to me "I know babe" I said and Pierre smiled at me

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