Chapter 13

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"Will you come?" Pierre asked me and I gave him a kiss "I can't babe! I told you!" Pierre sighed "Why Nicole? You didn't support me to my races! I'm racing for a new team now and you will not come to the first race of the season!" I laughed ironically "Pierre! Focus!" "I can't do this anymore! No I can't!" I immediately had tears to my eyes "What do you mean?" "We're done! Coming back to you was the worst decision of my life!" He went to our bedroom and he started packing his stuff "Babe? What are you doing? Come on now!" I tried to grab one T-Shirt of him and he grabbed it back "Please! Don't do that!" I sat down and I strayed crying loud "Bye Nicole!" He took his suitcase and he left. I was crying loudly but he didn't respond "I hate you!" I grabbed a mug from the morning and I threw it to the wall. I grabbed my phone and I called Elena and Heidi to our Instagram group "What happened? Why are you crying?" Heidi asked me "He left me!" I said crying louder "I'll kill him!" I heard Esteban saying madly "Why?" Elena asked me as calm as she could "Because he said that I can't support him! Girls..." I looked down "I'm pregnant" I was crying louder and I couldn't heat what they said "I want to leave!" I said crying again "Calm down Nicole!" Elena said "I have no one here! I need you girls... But I'll call Lewis and tell him that I'm going to Bahrain"


"Now!" Lewis said as I didn't tell him the truth "I'm pregnant!" I said looking down "Because I don't want you to be in the situation you were a few months ago! Calm down and you will have baby!" Lewis kissed my hair and he was trying to calm me. To the most of the flight I was looking at the clouds thinking the best decision... I have two options and now I think that I know what I want! "Lewis" I said to my brother "I thought you were dead! You didn't talk for almost two hours!" I looked at him "I'll leave the university... I can't live without Pierre... I'm so much in love with him that I just can't! And I want my child have both of his parents!" Lewis gave me a sad smile "Harvard was your dream!" I nodded "I know but also I love Pierre so much that I can quit everything for him!" Lewis hugged me "You make your decisions to your life Nicole! I'm here to help you with them!"


I am sitting alone to my hotel room and I decided to text Pierre

Nicole: Hey Papito! I need to talk with you! I am in Bahrain! Call me!

The first test of the season starts and I didn't go there and watch it because I don't feel soo good! I'm 4 weeks pregnant and this morning sickness is killing me! Red flag on the track! And there is fire "Shit! Who is?" The commentator didn't know as well "it must be Pierre Gasly or Lewis Hamilton! I'm not sure!" My whole world collapsed, the man that I am in love or my brother is to this car that is on fire! What I have to do? Call my dad? Call Nicolas? I don't know! "It's Pierre Gasly! Seems like a horrible accident! I hope he is alright because he hasn't get out yet! The whole car is on fire!" I started crying, Pierre is inside the fire! I can't live without him! Please get out! Please! PLEASE! I saw someone walking on the fires. It's Pierre! He got out safety! Thank God! I didn't know what would happen to me if Pierre was loose his life! I grabbed my phone and I called Elena "They took him to the medical centre!" "thank you! Can you go? I'm coming!" "Yeah! I'm going!" I hang up with her and I went to The medical centre as quickly as possible!

"Hi! I'm Gasly's girlfriend! Where is he?" The nurse looked at me "Can you tell me a name?" She asked me with a smile "Nicole Hamilton" she took a look to the papers "You can follow me" we went outside a room and she stopped me from coming in "He is to a really bad situation... He has respiratory irritation and unfortunately he is in comma" I sat down and I started crying "Please! Maybe something will happen to you! Come on" the nurse said trying to comfort me but I was so depressed that I can't heard anything. I felt someone running and hugging me "I'm here" I heard Elena saying, she helped me to stand up and I sat to a chair there "Why this happened to me? I can't lose him Elena!" I said and she was trying to comfort me "I know honey! I'm here don't worry I'll always be! Pierre is such a strong man and he can do anything! Don't worry you break my heart!"


"I spoke to his parents" I said looking at the wall "We'll take him to the hospital in Milano" Lewis came and hugged me "Everything will be fine! Don't worry Pierre is so strong!" We left the same day for Milano, Pierre transported with the necessary medical plane to Milano and I went with Lewis's jet, the fact that I was alone was really good to me because I didn't hear anyone trying to comfort me... I touched my belly, I have a person inside me that needs me and his father and I'm sure he'll make it but with what people say I feel horrible and I think that he'll not make it and they are trying just to comfort me...

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