Chapter 16

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Pierre left an hour later and I stayed alone watching Netflix to the sofa of our apartment. I texted Lewis because I was bored!

Nicole: Lew...

Goat Brother: Tell me my babe

Nicole: I'm so bored!

Goat brother: I'll take Roscoe for a walk will you join us?

Nicole: I'm coming to your apartment!

Goat Brother: When your sister lived two floors down from you!

I change into a black leggings and an Alpine T-Shirt (Yes, it's Pierre's) and I walked to Lewis's apartment. As he opened the door he hugged me "My little sister will be a mother!" He said looking at my belly, I smiled "You learn that before Pierre!" Lewis smiled "But still I can realise it!" He said and he hugged me once again, I broke the hug and I looked at his apartment "Roscoe?" I said as the bulldog came to me, I took him to my arms and I hugged him tightly "Look at you!" Lewis took his to his arms "No Nicole! You are pregnant!" He said and he let Roscoe down "Fine, let's go for a walk"

We walked downstairs and we started walking to Monaco's roads, "Everything fine with Pierre?" Lewis asked me and I nodded "Yes, everything is so good and I really love him! I'm sorry Lewis for stopping my university, but I really love him!" Lewis smiled and he hugged me "I love you sister and I want the best for you!" We broke the hug and we kept walking, "I want everything to be fine between me and him Lew!" Lewis kissed my hair "He loves you and I want to believe that everything will be fine!" We decided to go to Cafe de Paris for a coffee, Lewis took a tea and I took a chocolate drink

"Do you promise me that if something will happen between you and Pierre you will discuss with him? I'm not speak specific but I want everything will be okay with you! Pierre loves you too much!" I smiled, Lewis always wants the best for me and I love him as well too much! My phone rang, I saw Pierre on the ID and I picked up "Hello my love" "Hey mi bibiche! I am in France and I am to the car to go to the factory!" "I am in Cafe de Paris with Lewis and Roscoe" "I hope that you don't drink coffee!" I smiled "No my Papito! I drink chocolate! Without extra sugar! "That's my baby girl! I'm sorry for interrupting your chocolate and Lewis's tea! Love you and call me!" "Love you too! I'll call you after lunch!" I hang up and I smiled at Lewis "Oh my gosh... So much in love" Lewis said and he drink from his tea "I am in love yes! I am!" Lewis smiled and he took my hands "I want you to be happy and I'm sure that you two will marry!" I smiled "Yes my love don't worry I'll be happy! Now for the marriage we don't know yet and he didn't mention something to me!" We kept talking for a while and then we decided go back to our apartments.

"So, if you need something call me!" Lewis said and he hugged me, I broke the hug and I smiled at him "I'll call you my love don't worry! I will have lunch, I think I cook Buddha Bowls! I have chicken breast from our dinner with Pierre last night!" Lewis kissed my forehead "For fuck sake I can't come and eat with you!" I smiled at my brother "I'm sorry my vegan brother!" I gave him a kiss on his cheek and I went to my apartment. I changed clothes and I cooked my food. As I started eating Pierre FaceTimed me "Ow! Mi bibiche is eating!" "Hey my love! Yes I'm eating and I miss you!" "I want you here right now!" Pierre said with a childish grin "I want you too my Papito! But I don't want to be alone in Paris and you'll be to meetings!" "Elena is here as well so you wouldn't be alone! But anyway! Tell me how's my child doing?" "Well he or she has fun but my belly is dead! It kicks too hard!" "Meanwhile I'm not there my buddy is kicking?" "Well! Why not?"

At night
"Kelly! Come in!" Kelly came in with a bottle of wine "I brought the wine I told you about!" She gave me the bottle "Movie and Wine? The pizza is here as well!" We walked to the kitchen and I tried open the bottle "I can't!" I said laughing "Let me see if I can!" Kelly tried as well "I can't!" She said laughing as well "I'm going to my brother because he obviously can! You can stay here!" Kelly nodded and I did my way to Lewis's apartment, Lewis laughed as he saw me on his door "Oh Nicole!" He took the bottle of wine and he opened it. "Thanks Bro" I said and I gave a kiss on his cheek. I made my way back to my apartment, Kelly was to her phone "Here I am!" I said and Kelly giggled letting her phone to the table "Thank God we have Lewis!" Kelly said laughing, I served the wine to the glasses and then Kelly took the pizza and we sat on the sofa "We have everything here! Glasses, bottle, pizza snd TV control!" We choose a movie and we watched it. As it ended we started talking "I love him Kelly for real!" She smiled "I can see that! You and Pierre are meant for each other!" I smiled "I have an idea!" I said and she giggled "Tell me!" "I'll go to France and I'll surprise him! I'll tell Lewis to give me his jet and I'll leave tomorrow!" Kelly smiled "I'm sure that he'll love it!"

I spoke to Lewis and he agreed to burrow his jet! I did my suitcases and I'll leave tomorrow at 09.00 for Paris!

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