Chapter 22

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"You don't want him, don't you?" Elena asked me and I sighed "No... I want Pierre" I started crying and she hugged me "Will you give him a second chance" I laughed ironically, he cheat on me I can't forget that! It hurts me but at the same time I need him back! "No... Not yet! I don't know! He cheat on me Elena!" She smiled "Pierre loves you and that was a bad thing from him but he can't live without you!" Elena said and I looked outside of my window "Now is Montreal..." I smiled and I looked at Elena "Will you come?" She asked me and I nodded "I didn't come to Spain and I want to watch my brother win!" Elena giggled "Let's do it!" She said and I grabbed my phone "When are you leaving?" I asked trying to find the flights "Tonight" Elena said, today is Tuesday so it's logical to leave tonight! I found the flight "Fuck it" I said watching that the flights costs 6,780 euros for the first class "I booked it!" I said and I stood up "Let's go to prepare my suitcase!" We walked to my room and we started preparing my suitcase "Is it okay for the baby having a flight so long?" I nodded "Yeah until August!" She looked at me "In October is the Asia Grand Prix!" I nodded "The due date is October 7th, the race day of Japan Grand Prix" I said and Elena rolled her eyes "What?" She asked me and I smiled "His dad and his uncle will not be there!" Elena sighed "I'll be there don't worry! Heidi as well!" I smiled "Thank you!"


At night we left for Montreal from Nice "I'm so happy that my nephew will be there!" Esteban said and he kissed my belly, he looked at Elena "Can we have a baby?" He asked and I laughed "Esteban!" Elena said giving him a death eyesight "Ow!" I said laughing "Did you decide the name?" Elena said and I nodded "Yeah we discussed that with Pierre when he left me to the house after the gender reveal party! You'll learn the day I'll give birth!" I said and Elena smiled at me "How many names?" Esteban asked "Two French and one English!" I said and they both smiled "We're so happy for you Nicole!" Elena said and she hugged me, I looked at her "Thanks Elena" I said with a smile.

We arrived to Montreal a few hours later, I was so tired "I don't want to see Max" I said walking outside of the airport "You'll not! Don't worry my girl!" Esteban said placing his arm around my shoulder and his other arm around Elena's shoulder "I have to beautiful girls with me!" Esteban said and he kissed our hair. Esteban drove to my hotel, I'll stay to Mercedes as Lewis booked. I walk to my room and I let my body threw itself to the bed "I'm tired as hell" I smiled at myself, I didn't tell Pierre that I'll come to Canada, I don't why but I want to surprise him!

The next day I woke up and I walked to the breakfast area "Nicole! Good morning!" Carmen said and she hugged me "How are you two?" She asked and I smiled "We both are fine! You?" "I just came downstairs! Will you have breakfast with me and George?" She asked me and I nodded "Yeah sure!" We sat to the table and we started eating. "Will you let Pierre speak to you?" Carmen asked and I sighed "He already did, I want to give him a second chance but I don't want!" I said giggling, Carmen smiled "I'm so thoughtful and I don't know what to do but I only know that I really love Pierre" I said and I sighed, Lewis came and he kissed my hair "Do you want me?" Lewis asked "Yeah! Sit!" George said and Lewis sat next to me "Everything fine little one?" Lewis asked me and I nodded "Yeah but I don't know what do with Pierre..." Lewis placed his arms around my shoulder and he kissed my hair "I think you should speak to him he's the father of your son!" Lewis said and I smiled "Will he be on the track today?" Lewis nodded "Yeah all of us are there for meetings and all of this stuff"


We left the hotel and we walked to the track, I look at the sky and I can't believe that I'm here... I looked at Alpine "I'll go to Pierre" I said and I sighed, I started walking to his room believing that he is here. I opened the door and I didn't watch anyone there. I watched a note on the coffee table. I smiled, I grabbed it and I sat to his bed...


I want to tell you that I feel so bad for what I did and I can't live without you... I want us try again...

I smiled at myself, the door opened and Pierre came in "Nicole?" He said with a smile "Surprise!" I said and I stood up "How are you?" He asked me and I smiled "Im so good don't worry, you?" I asked him with a smile to my face "Im good, now" I walked to him and I hugged him. Pierre hugged me tighter "I'm so sorry, for everything! And for cheating on you and for punching Max" I looked at him and without say anything, I kissed him, I felt his tongue and I opened my mouth let him kissing me passionately. I missed him and I know that. I broke the kiss and I looked at him "Will you forgive me?" Pierre asked me and I smiled nodding "Let's forget like nothing happened!" I said and Pierre nodded "Yes..." Pierre said and he kissed my head. We sat to the bed "You sure for the name?" Pierre asked me and I nodded looking at my belly, I looked at Pierre "Yeah I love that name..."

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