Chapter 03

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"I want leave" I said to Heidi and then I saw Elena, the third of our friends group, coming to us

"I saw him with her" she said sighing

"She is not beautiful to be honest" Heidi said

"Yeah she is not!" Elena said , I turned to them

"We all know that she a very beautiful woman! And yes more beautiful than me! That's what Pierre deserves! A beautiful woman by his side who loves him for who he really is!" I said laughing ironically and then I went to Mercedes as my brother saw me he stopped talking to Toto and he came to me

"What happened?" He asked with his low voice

"Can we go to your room?" I said with tears in my eyes

"Yeah let's go!" We went to his room and as I sat on the bed I started crying louder

"What happened Nicole?" He asked me as he hugged me tightly

"He came with his new girlfriend Lewis!" He just starred at me in shock

"What? He is an asshole! Why did he do something like that?"

"Seriously I don't know Lewis!" I said hugging him and crying on his chest

"Honey I know it's hard but now you have to be strong because I need your support! Maybe I'll be the Formula 1 driver with the most world championships!" I laughed a bit "That's what I want to see in your face! Smile! Stop thinking about an asshole that he broke your heart!" I nodded

"That's my girl" Lewis said and he gave a kiss to my hair

"So, I'm going to the meeting! Will you be okay?" Lewis stood up and he looked at me "Nicole?"

"She is so beautiful... He deserves her..."

"Nicole you are a really beautiful woman and you know that! I haven't see her I can't lie to you! But it doesn't matter if you are beautiful or rich or a model! It matters how much you love him! And I think that she will never love Pierre the way you do!" He gave a kiss to my hair and he left.

Lewis calm me a lot, I still love Pierre I can't regret it but now he tries to make his life! I know he maybe he lied to me but I have to respect his decision! That's what I have to do if I love him but also I can't lie to him I have to tell him about the miscarriage...

I stood up and I went to Alpha Tauri to find him. As I got in Yuki came to me

"Hello Yuki!" I said and he hugged me

"Nicole! I need you!" I broke the hug and I looked at him

"What happened?" I asked him

"She is crazy! She thinks she is the owner of the team! And to be honest the owner treats to the kids in the cafeteria better!" I giggled

"What did she do?" He sighed

"She wants to be the queen of the team and everyone do whatever she wants!"


"Yes! And fortunately I don't have a girlfriend because she'll treat her completely shit!" I laughed but my eyes were still red "Did you cry?" I nodded "Pierre feels really sorry about what happened between you and him. He still loves you"

I raised my eyebrow

"Did he told you that?"

"No he didn't but I can see it to his eyes! A lot has happened this year! He'll leave Alpha Tauri and I think he needs you to speak! You are the only one that can to calm him and make him feel good again!" I smiled

"Thank you Yuki" I said and I went to find him, as I was walking the mechanics were waving me and I waved them back.

I went to Pierre's room because I was sure that he was there, Yuki would tell me if they had meeting. I knocked on the door

"Come in" I heard Pierre say and I opened in

"Pierre it's Nicole" I said as I got in

"Nicole?" I heard that he ran to me "Hi" he said smiling

"Hi" I said

"Come in don't be in the door!" I closed the door and I went and sat on his bed

"I'm sorry for earlier... I didn't have to"

"No it's okay Pierre... I need to tell you something Pierre"


I needed her to come! I need someone to talk with... I feel so bad that I'm leaving Alpha Tauri and also I feel so bad for how Kika reacts to the employees of my team!

"I'm sorry for earlier... I didn't have to"

"No it's okay Pierre... I need to tell you something Pierre" she knows how much I like when she calls my name! She calls it so sexy that I want to grab her and started kissing her...



"Oh yeah I'm sorry I got distracted!" I sighed

"When we broke up I went to my brother in Monaco and to be honest I was crying until I fall asleep... I woke up in the middle of the night because my stomach was hurting really badly! I stood up and I watched to my white nightdress..." I sighed "Blood... I was pregnant..." Pierre placed his hands on his hair

"Shit! Shit! This happened because of me" I heard his voice and I could tell that he was crying but he didn't want me to watch him. I raised his head and I looked into his eyes

"Don't cry... Please... My heart is broken when I see you crying" I hugged him and he hugged me tightly

"When did you find that you were pregnant" I broke the hug and I looked at him

"The same morning... I was planning to tell you the same night but we broke up on the noon..." He hugged me again

"It's all my fault I'm sorry Nicole... I'm sorry for everything! For breaking up with you for being the reason you lost our child! I'm sorry" as we hugged the door opened and someone got in and watched us hugging

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