Key (SHINee) : I missed you

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The months where no amicable communications were made. The months that was spent alone during weekends. The months which no affection was shown. The months without 'I love you's. How difficult would it be to describe what you had felt through these torturous months?

No one would know. He would leave home early morning when you could barely meet him, and return home when you were already sleeping. Or should I say that you were merely pretending to sleep. You knew every little things he had did to avoid you. Every night, you waited for the pair of arms to pull you into a warm embrace. But that never happened, and you knew it never will again.

There you were, laying diagonally on the bed, body tucked neatly under the blanket as you faced the open-air. Your eyes were getting heavier every seconds, tired of waiting for Key to return. But it was the only thing you could do as his girlfriend, to ensure that he was back home safely. It was the only way you could then sleep. Not peacefully. There were still tonnes of troubles in your mind you could barely get rid of. Shall I name them? No, they were way too much that you could ever express.

Your eyes widened slightly upon hearing the click of the doorknob. Key was behind the door, twisting the doorknob as he silently pushed the door and stepped in, immediately greeted by the cold air. Yes the loneliness too. The room was so quiet that only the sound of the working air-condition, your slow breathings could be heard. Key closed the door slowly behind him, minimizing as much noise as possible. You could hear him let out a heavy sigh, followed by footsteps that faded away as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Key pressed his palms down on both sides of the sink, resting his body weigh on them. His blue eyes stared straight into the mirror, showing a reflection of himself. He forced a smile, seeing just the person his fans would see on the television. But little did his fans know, he was not the cheerful person everybody saw him as. All the makeups and smiles hid the hurtful truth.

He clensed his face clean of powder and eyeliners. Key lifted his head back up, looking into the mirror. Now all he could see was a grown-up man with pale skin, dark brown eyes with light pink lips. His eyes went to his lips. How long has it been since he touched you with those lips, he thought to himself. He lowered his gaze to the sink, shutting his eyes in exhuastion with relationship problems.


He pulled himself out of his oversized shirt, baggy knee-length pants before changing to a fresh set of clothes. A pair of drawstring baggy pants and nothing else. Key ruffled his light hazel dyed hair, his bangs covering his dyed eyebrows as well. He took one last glance at the mirror, seeing that pathetic reflection of himself.

Your eyes flickered open upon hearing the door opening and closing swiftly with barely audible sounds. Key quickly crawled onto the bed, setting himself in a comfortable position at the other side of the bed. You could feel the blanket being lifted off you slowly, half of the blanket taken by you and the other half by Key.

You pursed your lips, hearing to his heavy breathings as well as sounds of him fidgetting. Little did you know, he was sick of all these quarrels and misunderstandings as well. But his love for you never faded  It was just that it would be weird to act as if nothing was wrong after a fight.

Key bit his lip, glancing at you repeatedly to comfirm that you were asleep. But actually you were well awake. He began to inch closer to you every second, until there was no gap. His muscular arms slid around your small waist, pulling your back against his abs. He smiled as he buried his face in your hair, smelling your lavender-scented shampoo. How long has it been since he felt so good, he thought.

You pursed your lips, eyes widened and body frozen. How many months had it been since he last hugged you? Your lips parted when his face was buried deeper into your hair, his lips touching the back of your neck, sending shivers down your neck. You bit your lips once again when Key's hands tugged the bottom of your shirt, lifting it up by a little to expose your skin under the blanket. That was when you felt his skin against yours. He was not wearing any shirt, you gulped.

Key froze. He felt your throat swallow. "S-So Eun." he stuttered before losing his grip around your petite body. Your lips parted in disbelief. it was way embarrassing. "I know you're awake." Key said after removing his hands off your body. You sighed. "Yes." "Why didn't you respond then?" he asked, starting to lose his patience once again. You closed your eyes, knowing that another fight was going to arise again. Control yourself Key, he thought to himself.

"I...I-I was shocked." you murmured, hearing your heart hammering loudly against your chest. "I'm sorry." Key breathed. Your fingers curled, this was what you were waiting for. An apology from him. A heartfelt apology. You feel him moving closer to you, and his arms were already embracing you in the next second.

"I'm really sorry, So Eun. These three months, I was being such a jerk. I didn' know how to control my emotions lately due to the stress I've been handling. I admit it was my fault. I never should had tried to avoid you. I should have clarified all these misunderstandings. All the quarrels were unnecessary at first... But they turned out to streghtened our relationship. They were to test the strength of our relationship. Shouldn't we prove them wrong?" Key said, his arms getting tighter around your body every minute.

You smiled as tears pooled in your eyes. "I missed you." you choked between tears. "I missed you too, my baby." he said, a smirk growing on his lips as he brought his face to the crook of your neck, giving you a love mark.


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