Jimin (BTS) : Two minutes [Part 1]

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His nails gently caress the soft fabric of the shirt you wore. He looks at you, hoping to receive some attention. Judging by the way your chest evenly heaves up and down while light snores leaves your parted lips, you will not be easy to be awaken. He frowns.

"Hey, wake up." he whispers.

He begins to tug gently on your shirt, causing you to stir slightly. A small whine leaves
lips and he feels his heart pound harder.

He smiles gladly. "Lin... Wake up..."

"Oh." you mutter, sleep still laced in your voice.

You are not pleased with his efforts. He has just awoken you up from your deep slumber. But you are still thankful. At least you know that he does this just so that you can finally see him.

"You're back." you smile with half-lidded eyes.

"I am." he sighs.

You notice him. He is wearing the white buttoned-up blouse and his cinnamon-dyed hair parted in the center. You chuckle and ran your hand over his chest. The clothe is still crispy, meaning that he has rushed home immediately after work.

He stares at you with tired eyes. You know you have to say something.

"You've worked hard."

A wide grin spreads across his plump lips and you smile in response, satisfied.

"Come here, Jimin." you say.

Jimin shakes his head and pulls back. You have your brows raised in confusion and he just cracks up.

"Let me change first jagiya." he chuckles.

Since when did his voice become so husky?

You shake the thoughts off and there Jimin is. Fresh and comfortable. He climbs onto the bed, your body below his. He is wearing the red knitted sweater you made for him the previous year on his birthday.

"Comfortable?" he asks and buries his face in your chest.

"I should be asking you that." you murmur. He sniffes and your scent overwhelm him immediately.

"I missed you." Jimin whispers so softly you almost cannot hear him.

"I missed you too." Your voice betrays you when it cracked at the end of the sentence.

A deep sigh leaves his lips and you know he is not happy too. Jimin runs a hand through his hair as he settles down beside you.

You finally feel his arms around your shoulders, pulling you so closely to him. Tears are at the brim but you hold them back. You do not want to let him see this weak side of you.

Jimin knows it all.

He does not say anything. He continues to envelop you in his embrace. He misses you just as much as you miss him.

The touch of your fingertips. Your dominant tongue when you both kiss. You laughing at his silly jokes. He misses them all.

Jimin, he wants to cry too. But he has to protect you. He hates seeing you so devasted so he always try to keep you happy.

A breathy gasp leaves your lips as he clenches his grip around you. Your hands is against his chest, causing you to feel his heartbeat.

"Feel that? It's my heart beating for you." he whispers. "Only you."

The ends of your lips are tugged up, raising your lips into your smile. At least he makes you feel treasured.

"If only we can stay like this forever."

Jimin only hums in response. You know he shares your thoughts. But there is nothing he can do.

He is the only son of to the CEO of Shinji Company. There is no way you can shake off the truth. Jimin has his jobs to do and wishes to fulfill. His parents hope that he can take over the company, that is definite. But you are not a little bit included in the plans.

And you are just the daughter of a roadside restaurant's owner.

You know you have to break it out to him no matter what.

"Jimin." you say, capturing his attention.

He flinches at the way you call his name.

"Do you think--"

"Baby, I'm tired." he fakes a yawn.


"Let's talk tomorrow, alright?" he silences you with a peck on your lips.

"Jimin, I have to say it now--"

"Jagiya~" he whines.

"Hear me out." you beg.

"No, I won't agree to it!" he shouts and immediately sits up.

You stare at him.

How does he know?

You pick yourself up with him. His eyes wander over your face. You seem so frail, unlike the person with strong will like before. How could he not realise earlier?

As much as you wanted to raise your face and talk to him face to face, it is as if your chin is too heavy to be lifted up.

"Jagiya..." he says and you can literally hear the plead in his voice.

"Don't say anything, please..."

"Let's break up."

Jimin clenches his eyes shut and his teeth grits in irritance.

"You can't do this to me." he spits angrily. "Not now!"

"Jimin, it's just a matter of time!" you cry, tears lacing your eyes.

"Lin, you don't make me fall in love with you and expect me to leave you the next second." he snaps. You know he is not going to let you go so easily.

"I'm going."

This is it? A break up was thrown in his face just like a sudden rainfall. And it just ends within a mere two minutes.

"Don't you dare come after me." you warned and make sure to slam the door behind you.

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