Leo (VIXX) : I'll show you

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A request from hiimkris

The last day of school, a lonely night in the cold winter. Snow surrounded the school's basketball court. There you stood, right in the middle of the court, waiting patiently for the person to turn up.

Your petite body was tightly wrapped up in winter clothings. A parka was worn over a layer of clothes. Your small hands were kept warm with a pair of cute pink mittens. They were your favourite in fact.

You had been standing there for minutes, but the person had not turned up yet. Not a single soul was in sight. Your body was frozen and feet rooted to the ground. You could barely move from the freezing temperature.

Night had long fallen and so was the temperature. The temperature was dropping rapidly and you could not stand it anymore. Yet no matter how cold you were, you refused to leave. It was your last chance, your last chance to confess.

Your hands trembled as you held the small decorated gift box tightly. Your eyelids were getting heavier as every second ticked past. A knitted scarf was draped around your neck so you could snuggle your chin in.

"Krsiten!" you heard a voice calling your name. Immediately, you whipped your head towards the direction of the sound. Your eyes widened slightly when you spotted that handsome face of Leo's.

Your cracked lips broke into a wide grin when you waited for him to walk over. "Ouch, it hurts." you said just as you parted your lips to speak. Leo chuckled and stood in front of you, tucking both his hands into the pockets.

There was a moment of silence. You were admiring Leo, your eyes scanning him from head to toe. He wore a blue overcoat that fit his tall figure perfectly, a pair of red Converse sneakers that went well along.

"So you said you wanted to tell me something, isn't it?" Leo spoke with an eyebrow raised, breaking the ice in between. "A-ah... Yes, I have something to tell you." you said with your voice muffled through the scarf.

Leo was getting impatient as he leaned his weight one feet, waiting for your reply. His eyes went to the gift box in your hand as a smirk took his lips. "I guess that's for me?" Leo asked, pointing to the present.

You raised your eyebrows at him and glanced back at the gift box in your hands. "Y-yes, it's for you." you said, your small voice barely audible. Leo returned a smile, mouthing a thank you.

A faint blush crept onto your cheeks as you watched Leo getting excited over a small gift like a kid receiving a present for the first time.

"Oh, you said you had something to tell me." Leo reminded as he slipped the present into the pocket of his coat.

"Ah, that." you said, your jaws falling a little. You could not help but to feel nervous, your heart was racing quickly as you hesitated.

"I-I...I..." you stammered uncontrollably, biting your lip halfway whilst trying to keep yourself composed.

"Just say it, Kristen, or I'm going home.' Leo warned, his eyes forming thin lines.

"No! W-wait!" you managed to cried out, grabbing his arm before he could turn. "I like you." Finally, you confessed after the painful three years of your one-sided crush.

You clenched your eyes shut, waiting hopelessly for a respond without knowing that your hand was still on his arm. A laugh was heard from Leo, making you open your eyes.

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