Chanyeol (EXO) : The time we were lost in love

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A request from exo_yeolie61

When a couple gets married, they will fall deeper in love. It only takes a little more to overcome an obstacle.

Two months ago...

"I remember when you suddenly fell right in front of me." he says. Your back is against his naked chest while his long arms snake around your waist.

"Yah, i-it was embarrassing enough." you scoff as a blush make its way to your cheeks.

A low chuckle erupts from him as he chest vibrates, sending flutters throughout your body. You gulp at the feeling whenever he laughs. It has been eight months now. And you can still barely believe that you can manage to get this guy to laugh.

"Hey." he whispers.

You are still lost in your thoughts.

"Babe, what're you thinking?" he asks. This time, his lips are close to your ear.

You gasps and made an 'o' shape with your lips.

"Are you still crushing on me?" he asks suddenly.

"No!" you snap and look at his face with his chin resting on your shoulder. You realise that he is looking at you so intensely. How long has he been doing this?

"Do you love me?" he asks, his dark eyes searching for a certain meaning in yours.

You are frozen for a moment. You never expect that Chanyeol will be so uncertain with your feelings towatds him.

"I do, Chanyeol." you smile. "I do love you."

"Good." he says, exhaling a happy sigh.

"What about you?"

Chanyeol stares back at you with widen eyes, surprised that you will ask him the same question

"Of course I love you, Eun Bi-yah." he says, his arms tightening around you as you noticed.

You grin and twists your body slightly to cup his face in your hands. You plant a kiss on his lips and notice a slight blush on his cheeks. How cute!

I was worried. I was worried that Eun Bi will leave me for someone better. She is beautiful, kind and funny, just as how I liked. She tells me she gets insults on her appearance regularly, but I tell her that the people are just blind. They can't see the beauty in her which I see.

I was afraid...I was so afraid that Chanyeol will leave me for another girl. He has many female friends. They are all so attrative. They are slim and beautiful, just like every guys' ideal type and probably even Chanyeol's. I was just a regular girl, or even worse. Chanyeol is really caring and kind, never stopping to worry about me but I never get why. What exactly does he see in me?




You pace back and forth, taking frequent glances at the clock. Hours has passed and there is still no news of Chanyeol. You have called him several times and he does not picks up the call.

You know well that he is a business man, but that does not stop you from worrying that he may come home late.

Grabbing a long cardigan, you rush out of the house with the phone tightly held in your hand.

Everything was silent, your heavy foosteps and uneven breaths. Not untill you reach the lift, there he is! Chanyeol, but he is accompanied. By a woman.

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