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"Ferran asked me whether you are talking with Mason."Sira told her best friend while scrolling through her instagram feed.

"Really?Why didn't he ask me?"Sophia asked while she shut her phone off.

"I am sure that he thought that i wasn't going to bring up the fact that he had asked.I swear boys are so silly."Sira said while she rolled her eyes.

"What did you tell him?"Sophia asked her best friend while she had her eyes glued on her.

"That it's not his business and I wasn't going to answer,so he may ask you."Sira said,letting Sophia to let a sigh of relief.

"Does he know Mason?"

"They must have met during a game but nothing more than that.I am sure that Pedri's the one that really asks."Sira said while shutting her phone off referring to Ferran's days in Manchester City.

While Sira had an excellent relation with all of Ferran's friends Pedri was a special one.Pedri was Ferran's best friend that being the reason she would see him more than any other.He was also the one she knew the most due to the fact that the Spaniard had dated her best friend.She knew that bringing his name up would be the reason for her best friend to feel some kind of way.

Sophia wouldn't discuss about Pedri with anyone,anymore.Maybe the fact that most of her friends were also Pedri's friends was the reason,that's what most of them thought but the truth was that Sophia had left that period of her life behind or that was what she thought she did.Sira knew that she still had a soft spot for him.She also knew that the pain he had caused was something that took what seemed like an eternity for Sophia to get over.Sira was also devastated when the duo had broken up and she was even more disappointed on the way Pedri had acted.Sira never had the same relation with Pedri after his break up with Sophia.

In the beginning she couldn't even stand being in the same room as him but as time had passed she knew that eventually she had to talk to him.That didn't change the fact that she wasn't that fond of him any more.Sophia more than anyone knew that,maybe that was why she wouldn't discuss or even bring Pedri's name up with Sira.

Ferran on the other hand was the only person that knew how both of them really took the break.He was the only one to know the story from both sides.Gavi was also close friends with both of them,but only after Sophia's break up with Pedri had he become that close with the girl.He was the one Ferran would bring over when Sophia would try to get away with hanging out with them because she would feel like she was third wheeling him and Sira.

"I doubt that."Sophia confidently replied.

"Whatever i am sure but I don't want you to get any ideas."

"No need to worry about that,it's been a year,i'm over him."

"Enough about Pedri.So Mason invited you to his game in Madrid?"Sira said,getting excited about the fact that after a while her best friend was actually giving someone a real chance.

"Yeah but I don't know what to do."

"I thought you were going to go anyway.Isn't your brother playing?"

"I was,but i don't know if i want him to think that i am going because of him."Sophia said causing Sira to roll her eyes on the fact that Sophia was overthinking again.

"Come on,your brother is playing.Plus you two have been talking for a couple of weeks if anything you not showing up will be weird.You don't have to do anything you don't want to.Plus Marco's going to get suspicious if you don't go."

"Can you tag along?It's just a two days thing."Sira had always been her safe place hence the fact she had asked her to join her.

"Okay but we have to be back by Friday night."

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