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Sophia had called Pedri a crybaby after she had beaten him in the uno match.One of the things that the two had in common was how competitive they both were.Neither of them could accept losing let alone cope with the other person messing around about its victory.

They were sat in the car in silence as Pedri was giving her the silent treatment.In the beginning Sophia was laughing at his childlessness but Pedri had actually crossed her line and she was currently giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Sophia was looking out of her window trying to avoid any eye contact with him whilst Pedri was stealing small glances with the side of his eyes.He knew that he had over-dragged it but he couldn't backed out now.

On the other hand Sophia knew that Pedri was going to break sooner or later but she didn't expect his stubbornness to last that long.

They rapidly walked in the hotel so as to try not to be spotted by any of their friends,even though they were all out with their friends or family.No sooner had they gone into the elevator than they pressed two different buttons.Pedri furrowed his eyebrows before breaking his silent treatment.

"What do you think you are doing?"Pedri asked her.

"So you can speak."Sophia said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"You called me a crybaby."Pedri stated.

"Yeah you are right i should have just called you a baby."She then said while shaking her head.

"Well,technically i am younger than you."Pedri let out in which resulted in a roll of Sophia's eyes.

The elevator's door opened up on Sophia's floor,but Pedri was quick to press the button so as to close the door before Sophia was able to storm out.No sooner had the door closed than Pedri let out."Like you were for real going to not come to my room."He said while grinning softly.

"Do you even know me at all?"She let out before pushing her floor number for once again.

"Okay,okay i am sorry I didn't mean that."Pedri let out while blocking the exit of the door for once again. "You are insane."He then said between his laughters while shaking his face.

"It's times like this that i literally want to kill you."She said while they both stepped out of the elevator.

"Yeah,right like you could actually live without my presence in your life."He said while unlocking the door of his room.

"Keep on that pace and i think i am actually going to need to buy a Chelsea jersey."Sophia let out as she knew this phrase was definitely going to annoy him.

"You didn't just say that."Pedri said before taking the girl on his arms.He threw her on the bed before he tickle-attacked her as he knew that she was trying to irritate him.

"Ped-ri i c-ant brea-th."She tried to let out dying from the laughters.

"Ollie should we let her free?Bark if you think we shouldn't."Pedri said while still tickling the girl.He turned to Ollie and whispered the word food at him which resulted in a bark from Ollie. "That's what I thought."

"Tha-t's n-ot f-air."Sophia tried to let out,while she was kicking the air trying to escape from Pedri's hands.

"Well,i think i like this technique better than the silent treatment."Pedri said finally letting the girl to take a breath.

"I hate you Gonzalez."Sophia said while she was trying to catch her breath.

"We both know that this is not true Carino."Pedri told her before touching the tip of her nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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