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The dinner date was going great once she made up her mind to focus on the moment.They were talking about their childhood and Sophia found Mason's expression when talking about his childhood years adorable.It was definitely one of her favorite characteristics of him,how passionate and lovable he would talk about his family.He had managed to make her open up to him,which not many people were able to do.

"I love that i am able to relive some moments of my childhood through Summer."Mason said causing Sophia to flash a smile at him.

"I can already imagine you as the cool uncle that spoils the kids."She let out while giggling in between.

"I love my relationship with Summer,out of the three i have the closest bond with her,as the other two live in Australia"Mason explained.

"You must be excited to have your whole family together after such a long time."She said while taking another sushi with her chopsticks.

"I am buzzing."Mason told her while taking one sushi as well."Their support means everything to me."He then added as soon as he had swallowed.

"I love how close you are with your family and i can imagine how proud they must be of you."Sophia told him only to make Mason smile while he took a sip of his drink.

"I am really glad you are coming to the game."He told her,placing his hand on top of her's.

"Well as long as you are not facing us i can support you."She explained,being now the one taking a sip of her drink.

"I love how you are saying that you are only supporting me."Mason told her while he side smiled.

"You are cute and that smile can trick me into doing things but i am not turning my back on my country."She told him,pointing to his smile with a circular motion.

"I respect that and i will keep in mind what you have just said about my smile."He said,winking at her before taking another California roll.

"Like you didn't already know that."She told him,rolling her eyes on his statement.

"I will always take a compliment from you."He told her,while he took her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"From me especially?"She asked him,smirking at his comment while also blushing at the gesture.

"Well it means more when you value the person that it comes from."He added,making it harder for her cheeks to get back to their normal color.

Sophia didn't get to answer because their moment was interrupted from the beeping sound of her phone.She decided that ignoring it would be the best choice.She wanted to pay all her attention to Mason and their time together.She knew that he was the right person for her and as she got the chance of knowing him more and more through time,he was unfolding all those sides of him that made her appreciate him more as a person.

The first beeped was followed by another,Sophia didn't even turn to see the name that was causing the notification as she was focus on their moment.Mason squeezed her hand before telling her "Check it out,it can be something important."Sophia sighed before shooting him an apologetic smile.

As soon as she saw the name that caused the notification,it only made her wonder whenever someone was playing a joke on her.The minute she decided to give her full attention to Mason,Pedri had managed to somehow made his way back into her mind.

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