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Sophia woke up the following morning early enough so as to have time to not only get ready on time but also to take Ollie for a walk as she knew she was going to spend the majority of her day at Pedri's house.

how did you leave and why didn't you stay over?

good morning
you and ferran had fallen asleep as always
i was going to get a cab but pedri didn't let me so he drove me home

that's all i am getting?

nothing worth mentioning happened
what time should i be ready?

in two hours
we will get Gavi as well so please try and be ready on time

seen by siramartinezc.

She quickly jumped off her bed,got changed,drunk a cup of coffee and she got Ollie ready for their walk.She had a long day in front of her and she wanted to look her best.After all she knew that her presence there was going to be one of the main talks.

good morning

sophiaasensioGood morning 

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Good morning 

No sooner had she pushed the sent button than Mason opened it and called her

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No sooner had she pushed the sent button than
Mason opened it and called her.

"How did that happen?"Mason said with his significant smile as soon as Sophia answered his video call.

"What do you mean?"Sophia asked him trying to hold her phone with her free hand.

"Well,i am not used to you waking up that early.Not to mention taking Ollie for a morning walk."Mason told her while fixing his hair.

"Well Lucho's announcing the squad today remember?"Sophia told him,pulling Ollie away from something he was sniffing.

"Oh right so are you all getting together or something?"

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