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"So are we going to the match tomorrow or not?"Sira asked as soon as she crashed into her bed.

"I don't know."Sophia replied,not looking at her best friend.

"What do you mean you don't know?"Sira asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"I don't know Sira."Sophia let out while crashing into her bed as well.

"It's simple,we are either going or we aren't,unless you are hiding something from me."Sira told her causing her a feeling of guilt.

"I do have second thoughts about it but i have promised to him that we will go."Sophia let out while facing the ceiling.

"Then we are going,unless you have a reason behind your second thoughts."Sira said while turning her head to face her best friend.

Sophia didn't get to reply to her because her phone went off.It was none other than Pedri.

"Hey mum."She let out feeling guilty about the fact that she was lying for once again.

"You are with Sira?"Pedri asked on the other end of the line.


"Okay,I will be quick then."Pedri said before taking a breath."We have just been informed that we have the rest of the day free,Ferran's going to call Sira in any minute,tell her that you are staying in your parents place,I've planned something."

She tried to hide her smile because she knew that there was no way Sira would believe that her mother would ever be the reason behind her silly smile.That was the second night in the past 4 days that they were going to spend the night together.

"Okay mum,i'll be there as soon as possible."

"Don't tell me you are staying in the Airbnb again."Sira frowned as soon as Sophia had placed the phone back to her bed.

"My mum made plans with my dad so i must look after Ollie."She explained,trying her best to come across as credible.

"Is there-"Sira tried to say before being interrupted by the sound of her phone."Wait a second."

Ferran had saved her.Sophia knew that Sira was going to ask to join her and she knew she wouldn't be able to reply to that.She knew that Sira had sensed that something was up but she knew she was safe for as long as they wouldn't leave any traits behind them.

Pedri had mentioned that he had planned something but he didn't mention what,which was making her attempt to pack some things up for the night way harder.

"You are lucky that my dad gave them the night off."Sira let out while she was changing clothes.

"What do you mean?"Sophia asked confusingly.

"You know exactly what I mean but it's not the time to discuss this."Sira hinted before taking a pause. "By the way you have to let me know if we are going tomorrow,even though I do believe that you don't have a choice here."

Sophia hated when Sira was right and that was one of those times.She had given her word to Mason before everything with Pedri had happened that she would attend his match and that was what she had to do.

"Okay fine we are going,we will leave at 3,we are not sitting in his box though."Sophia quickly let out.

"No problem." Sira replied."Are we going to meet in the hotel or?"

"Yeah,i will come back earlier so as to get ready."She lied as she would already be in the hotel.

What are we doing?

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