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Pedri was grinning like an idiot.His face was physically hurting from how much he was smiling.He had kissed her after all this time.He had forgotten how addictive the taste of her kiss was.

They broke apart so as to take a breath but their foreheads were still connected.Sophia had her eyes closed while she was touching her lips with her left hand.Pedri had seen her movement and it only made him grin wider,it was at that moment that he had realized that it did meant to her as much as it did to him.

Sophia slowly opened her eyes,trying to realize what it really had happened.She was unable to control herself and that was the outcome.She wasn't regretting it though,she needed that kiss,she needed him and she was done making excuses.

Pedri took a seat on the dressing room's bench while he pulled her as well,getting her to sit on his lap.Sophia was trying so hard to hide her expressions throughout the whole situation but little did she know that she was failing big time.

"I want to do this again."Pedri finally let out,making eye contact with her.

"Do what again?"Sophia asked him,trying so hard not to get lost on his brownish eyes,like that was even possible.

"All this,I want us to spend more time together,i want you to give me another chance,i want you to try to trust me again,i know i've messed up big time and-"Pedri started saying,pointing at the two before he was cut by Sophia.

Sophia knew she needed to cut him for a various amount of reasons.He was nervous and she could see it,she wanted to reassure him that she was feeling the same way without admitting it with words,he was mumbling and she just needed his lips on her's,that being the reason she leaned in and she connected their lips for once again.

"If that was a way of telling me to shut up,i won't shut up any time soon."Pedri told her as soon as they pulled away from their kiss while smirking at her.

"I can't believe we are doing this."Sophia told him while looking down on their intertwined hands.

"I knew that this was going to happen again."Pedri told her before leaving a small kiss on her shoulder.

"I didn't."She said while she smiled at the sight of his action,before taking a look around."Can you believe that we are in a dressing room,in a public place discussing our future?"

Pedri smiled on the word our.Sophia saw it and it only made her blush.It wasn't until she let it out loud,than she had realized what she had asked him.She couldn't control not only her actions but also her thoughts around him,that much of an effect he had on her.

"I don't care where i am,as long as it's with you."Pedri said while looking at her straight in the eyes,it was his way of showing her that he was serious about it.

"I don't know how you can manage but you have a way of making me act without thinking logically."Sophia told him,letting out a small smile.

"That's not bad Soph,sometimes logic it's what is really keeping us away of pursuing what we really want."He told her tapping the tip of her noise.

"Then why didn't you make the first move?"

"Do you want to talk openly?"Pedri asked her while scratching his head.He thought on his feet and bringing up that name didn't sound as the best idea after they had shared their moment."You know what don't answer that,i want to do things the right way this time and right now,right here is not the right place."

Sophia smiled at his words,he was different,he was his old self,the cute Canarian that made her lose her mind over him.

She went through his hair with her fingers with slow motions before making her way to his neck,her touch was gentle and full of affection,Pedri's immediate reaction was to close his eyes and enjoy the feeling he had cherished so much.

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