My last wish

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A/N: Thanks for 9k! This is the special have fun and thanks again! It means soo much to me!

Izuku's POV unless said otherwise!

You know this feeling when nothing matters? When everything you do is worhtless and nothing you do can satisfy anyone. That one moment in life you know you fucked up and hurt someone or in fact you are the one hurt? The emotional scars from always being alone. No one to talk, no one to care. You know always being left alone, just you, your thoughts and an empty cold room?

I was sick of it.

My heart felt so tired of this. That empty but heavy feeling in my chest was just growing and it was so unbearable. I wish I could talk to someone but there was just none. What was I supposed to do? 

I was scared of what was going on.

I was scared of each and every coming day. 

Everything I heard was just the old and same saying each and every single day. You know it was getting boring. Life never gave me some excitement at all. All that I got was just screaming and yelling. Not even a single day passed without any kind of pain. 

I was in so much pain. Be it emotional or physical, I got both and yet no one cared. How can people be this oblivious and just self centered to not care about a kid beaten up black and blue to a point that nothing really matters.

Me: I hope this is what you wanted.

It was soo long that I wanted to do this. Each day was a nightmare. I hated it. I hated thinking about how to survive. I hated thinking about the money I had to somehow get to just buy a single mean. I hated knowing I would get beaten up and just used as a punching bag. I juts hated everything. I hated life! I hated myself! I hated my stupid quirkless as!

I never wanted to be born!

I never asked to be born!

I just wanted a peacful life.

Tho... at this point, I do not even know what it means to have it or what it was. Tired of each day. Waking up was a hasle and I really just wanted to rest. I get screamed in the morning, I get beaten up in school, I fail at my grades, I don't have a quirk nor a fucking tallent. I was just useless! Why was I alive?!

What was holding me alive?

Was it worth it?

Was being beaten up and screamed worth it?

I don't know. My mind tells me to live on but my feelings tell me to just end it. I felt tied, I felt sluggish, I felt empty and yet there was this feeling deep down in the pits of my stomach. It was hurting me. It felt as if it was about to swallow me hole and I couldn't escape it. Anxiety was spreading all over my body and I was afraid to know what it was. 

Me: Is this really it....

With each step I went towards the damn edge, I knew that this was what I wanted. This was what I so desperately needed. Each day was a nightmare and no one cared about the pain I felt, the bruises I got or even the burns on my skin. Everything was better than to go on or at least that was how I felt.

Step by step I went towards the edge of the rooftop of my school. 

Why was I here?

Well I just was screamed at to go off myself and wish for a quirk in my second life or pray for it, I don't know... all I remember was Kacchan telling me to fucking go and swandive of a roof. Maybe this would solve all my problems, who knows?

It was worth a try and that's why I was here.

Me: Please... please let me get a quirk!

I didn't bother to put my shoes neatly to the side and just stood there for a moment before I let myself fall. The wind was rushing passed me and when I opened my eyes and looked at the sky for one last time I realized something.... this may or may not have been a stupid idea... I should have wished to never wake up and rest from this damn nightmare.

But I didn't care anymore and just closed my eyes waiting for the impact, waiting for any kind of pain, waiting to just sleep....




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