What's normal?!

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Confusion was the last thing I felt when I noticed how everyone was looking at me. It was somehow a mixture of disbealieve and something else but for me it felt as if I was an alien or I was growing to head which could be possible for all that I knew. I mean it was definitelly impossible but it felt like that exactly.

Detective: Kid, I don't think you understood.

Yamada: Little Listener.... no one should treat you unfairly.

Aizawa: Eleborate how you were treated.

Yamada: SHO! You can't freaking ask that right now.

Aizawa: why not?

Yamada: You just don't!

Nezu: I would also like to know that as well.

Me: Is it that wrong?

Cat officer: Depending on what you say, yes.

Detective: No matter what you say the moment you think this is normal is a huge no-go.

Me: What you mean with No-Go. Isn't it normal?

Nezu: I fear you have a wrong feeling for the word normal.

Me: Huh. Then what does normal mean?

Nezu: conforming to a standar.... usual, typical, or expected....

Me: So I don't have the wrong definition of it.

Detective: WHAT?!

Yamada: Please tell me he just made a joke.

Detective: Unfortunatelly no.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Nezu: Kid, I meant that it would be normal as in like everyone else.

Me: But it is not normal to be treated like that way. I am different and at the bottom of the food chain.

Nezu: Child, who told you that?

Detective: I would also like to know that.

Me: Basically everyone I know.

Detective: School?

Me: Yes.

Detective: Home?

Me: Yes.

I was soo confused what was going on and what the definition of normal had to do with it but I was definitelly answering everything as good as I could and also tried to actually make sense out of this situation. Kinda was a bit than just confusion but I tried to solve the misunderstanding here because I was definitelly treated normal. I was useless and just a watse of space. I shouldn't even live so why were they acting as if I was definitelly wrong and actually should have treated like someone who had more talent than me and actually a quirk. Didn't make much sense and it still doesn't at all.

Detective: And you see no problem with it?

Me: No.

Detective: *sigh* This is worrisome. At least we have a lead where to start investigating now. Thank you very much for the help.

Me: No problems?

Aizawa: WAIT! The papers!

Detective: I will prepare them.

Yamada: Which papers?

Nezu: THE papers.

Yamada: Which one?

Nezu: Your husband doesn't seem to get it.

Aizawa: *sigh* I'll take care of it.

Nezu: I will hope so and do it in times. There are more than enough others who want to get their hands on the little guy including myself.

Yamada: As if Chiyo would let you-

Nezu: That is another problem which we will not discuss today.

Me: Sorry to interrupt but what papers?

Yamada: Don't worry about it. Me and Sho will take care about everything.

Me: ... ahm okay....?

Detective: I still have a couple of more questions but at this time I would rather we investigate on our own before asking you any further if this is alright with you.

Me: Sure...

Detective: Is there anything you want to ask us?

Me: Am I getting in troubles?

Yamada: NO! Why would you think li- AU, SHO! Why did you goddamn kicked me?

Aizawa: *sigh* Use your brain right now.

Yamada: Oh I am so sorry for not using my brain. 

Nezu: Seeing as this is over, I also have a couple of things to do now and will be quite busy. Izuku I will see you again.

That plush walked over to me and then ruffled my hair before jumping off the bed and walking to the detective. Once he reached there the officer picked him up and they said their goodbyes before leaving the room. It was definitelly not as if I knew what just happened or what they meant at all. I was left even more confused then before but that was okay. There were a couple of instances in the past where I would be this confused and I quickly learned to accept the situation as it is and looked at the other two people left in the room.

Me: What will happen now?

Yamada: You gonna stay here for a couple of more days since they for sure want to have a look at you and after that we will take you with us home.

Me: Home?

Yamada: Yes, your new home, our home.



Why should I move homes?

What about my mother?

What about my family....?

I know they don't care about me but I am useless and all.

Nothing changes when I would go back with these people.

I don't want to get ignored again.

I don't want to feel this lonely again.

All of the sudden I felt this pain in my chest and knew right away what it was. I felt the sadness and the tiredness I felt before I jumped. I was always alone and yet I was soo tired about it that I couldn't stand it anymore.

Aizawa: *sigh* We have to get out for a bit to talk to the doctor. Do you want something to eat? Something specifical?

Me: No, I am fine.

Yamada: Alright let's pick up the best they have.

With that these two heroes also left the room and I was left all alone with the lingering feeling that was starting to spread and intensify with each passing second but I just couldn't let them know and so I smiled and nodded. My smile only dropped when they both got out of the room and I was left all alone once again.

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