Confidence vs Feelings!

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Aizawa's POV:

Call me ignorant but I sure was not ignorant. Even if Zashi saw it as a sign, I sure didn't. I saw it as it was. A child who needed help and I knew that we were not the best in dealing with a child with soo many scars since we both were scared as well. We could handle students well and we could hide our own pain but having this child was just something I was not as confident as I would be normally anymore. Of course I knew he needed help and how I felt about it.

It pained me to see him drag his body over the carpet and I nearly run up to the kid to burst out of the church  and get him to a hospital. I knew how much I wanted to hug the child and give him warmth but deep down I was doubting myself if I could really take care of him the way he needed it or not.

Today me and Zashi went over to the hospital to visit the child. He was in a light coma since he had soo many broken bones that it was not certain if he would actually manage to get through each and every passing night. Still me and Zashi felt somehow connected to the child who ruined our wedding. 

Was he really a sign or was he a gift tho us?

If I had to chose I would go for the later since we did wanted to adopt a kid for a couple of years now. I mean we were together for over 10 years and only recently started thinking about getting a kid. However we were thinking of getting an infant or a small 4 year old child and not a teenager. 

Me: *sigh*

Zashi: And there you go again.

Me: What did I do this time?

Zashi: Sighing.

Me: And that is a reason for you to scold me why?

Zashi: We are in the room with ce child!

Me: ...

Zashi: I am just making a joke come on smile. You look as if the kid will die any minute and I can't stand it anymore.

Me: Sorry.

Zashi: It's fine. I am scared for him as well but we have to be strong if we wanna take him home.

Me: I know.

Zashi: Did Vlad find something?

Me: ... He managed to find where he came from...

Zashi: And?

I really don't like what happened.

I can't believe that he jumped.

All evidence suggest that.

I am not confident how to get the kid back on track but I want to be there for him. 

There has to be a reason why he did that.

I will protect this innocent and broken child from now and if it is the last thing I do.

No one should go through that.

No one should even be alive....

He is so lucky to be still alive and kicking...

I will make sure he will get better.

The information about what happened soon followed the same day we called off the wedding after the kid just crashed in basically. Ever after that I had these conflicted feelings about him. I wanted to protect the child like every other hero since he went through so much and then there was a side of myself that wanted to help the child soo much since I've been there. I was once the kid on a rooftop and nearly ended up jumping if not for Zashi. Now it was my time to actually help.

On the same day I got the information, I couldn't informat Zashi since he was soo over the top preparing a room for the kid in our house and also some other essential stuff. He was completly into it that I didn't wanted to tell him what happened but it seems as if now was the time I had to tell him everything.

Zashi: Sho... What are you not telling me?

Me: Vlad called the same day for a short briefing.

Zashi: And?

Me: He jumped Zashi.... he jumped off his school roof.

Zashi: ....

I saw how much he paled and then looked at the kid who was laying in the bed with a shocked expression. Who wouldn't be shocked he was way too young to end his own life but we both knew why. The doctor and RG both already told us that he was quirkless and that he had soo many bruises and scars that they were not sure if he was not a run-away kid from a villain or maybe even got experimented which was the second reason why Nezu was so invested into the kid that we had to basically fight the rat to get the kid for ourselves.

Zashi: He.... No way...

Me: Yes unfortunatelly...

Zashi: How did he survive then?

Me: You saw him... he was barely awake. His willpower is something else and let's hope that he has the will to fight and survive.

Zashi: We gonna make him happy SHO! We have to make him want to life!

Me: I know... I know.... 

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