Something is off!

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A/N: I was a bit busy yesterday... sorry for the missing update XD Please enjoy this one.

Aizawa's POV:


I hated the past couple of weeks soo much since me and Zashi had to go out and were basically forced to go on missions and patrols. If anything I would have rather stayed at home with our son Izuku. He was getting better but recently I had this feeling that something was wrong and I was never off. This was why I hurried back home after the mission and I couldn't believe it but I found him fast asleep in the living room on the couch with Topaz there. That fog was in his arms but at the same time the gaze it was giving me were a warning to me. 

Me: *sigh* 

Since he was so fast asleep I decided to first get some coffee and then get him back to bed. However as much as this was my plan when I got to the kitchen and found a note on the table, I knew immediately that we fucked up.

Food is in the fridge.


I am sorry for being late.

You didn't had to do this problem child.

I wonder if he is okay....

We recently don't have much time for him.

Of course this feeling started to eat at me and didn't wanted to let me go but I just wanted to check up on the food first and that was when I saw that he actually prepared my favorite food as well as Zashi's favorite cake. It must have taken him hours to do that and yet he still did it anyways and we even promised to be back earlier.

Me: Sorry kiddo.

Fuck that coffee!

I need to go to his side.

Something is wrong!

I can feel it.

I hate this feeling as well.

Carefully as if not to wake him, I started approaching the child but that didn't quite went as planned. The moment I was in a 1.5 meter radius he immediatly woke up and looked at me. I could tell that it was his instinct to not trust his surrounding but the way he looked at me with these big eyes were as if he was waiting for me to hit him. It basically broke my heart to see his reaction after me and Zashi both thought that he was getting better as well.

Me: Did I wake you?

An obvious question but I didn't know what else to say at this moment. 

Izuku: No.


Why are you lying this obviously?

Are you afraid of m-

My trail of thoughts stopped when I looked at his eyes. The light that was there just days ago was so small that I was scared that he would do something. It was just my parental instincts telling me that. I felt the dread inside of me and the danger coming from him. 

Me: Thanks for the food. I am sorry I couldn't come back in time.

Izuku: It's fine.

Me: How are ya feeling?

Izuku: Okay.

Stop answereing me this dishonest!

I can see that you are not fine!

I want to help you!


What did I do or what did we do for you to actually shut yourself away again?

I tried to approach him but Topaz jumped down and even started growling at me. It was at this moment that I was wondering where the parot and the cat where but that was not important. Izuku tried to calm his dog down but the more I approached the louder the growls came from her. I knew that if I would any closer she would attack me or so I thought until Zashi's damn cat and my damn parot came at me.

Me: SHEEESH! I am going to get you all food. Now stop making a fuss.

Izuku: I am sorry...

It was just a week voice but it was breaking my heart. Something was definitely wrong and I definitelly needed to get to the bottom of it.

Me: You wanna help me feed these monsters?

Izuku: Sure...

The more I tested and tried to get a response from him, the more I was sure that something was wrong with the kid. It didn't take to be a genius to see that he was broken and that the light and the small healing he had in the first 2 weeks were now gone. He was the same like the first day we actually met the kid.

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