I lost it!

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When I woke up I found myself in the same hospital room and I really hated this smell in the air. I knew it meant antiseptic and that it was clean and that I was safe and so on but I hated it a lot. Besides that I felt kinda sluggish and out of energy. 

Me: *sigh*

I failed again....

I really hoped that I wouldn't wake up and that no one would actually notice what I did...



I did sigh and I also was soo close on starting to cry again but I heard some shifting noises in the room and looked to my side. I could see Yamada leaning against Aizawa. He seemed to be sleeping but Aizawa was definitelly awake because he looked at me and smiled softly. After that he mouthed me to go sleep and rest more. No objection there I felt beat up anyways. So I decided to close my eyes once again and hope this was all a bad dream and I was actually in heaven. Maybe this was a flashback of some sort but honestly I knew this was reality but just didn't wanted it to be true. 

Disappointment was what I felt for the second time when I woke up and saw that it was dailight. This time I was greeted with both of these people in my room being awake and smiling at me when they noticed that I was awake. They came to my bed and Yamada decided to sit on the edge where my legs were.

Yamada: How are you feeling?

Me: Alright.

Yamada: I am happy you are okay but Izuku.... don't do that again.

He looked at the IV and it was obvious what he wanted to say but I on the other hand was about to ignore that completly. I had my reasons for not wanting to continue to get through the hardship of life after all. I mean where was the rewards in life? Where were the good things? All I knew so far was pain and misery and it was not worth it in my point of view. 

Aizawa: Wanna talk about it?

Me: There is not much to talk about.

Aizawa: Problem child, something is on your mind for sure.

Yamada: Mhm~! It is also no use to try in front of two pro-heroes you know. You will only feel the pain but don't do anything good to your body.

Me: What do you mean heroes?

Yamada: Didn't we introduce ourselves yet?

Me: Not that much.... Who are you guys?

Aizawa: *sigh* We just told him the essentials since Chiyo had to look over his body and then Nezu came and so on.

Yamada: Ohhh... now that I think about it... kinda stupid of us.

Aizawa: I am an underground pro-hero called Eraserhead.

Yamada: In contrast to my partner here I am a limelight hero called Present Mic.

Me: ....

Did he just....

Alight... I am offically going insane and this is not real.

Maybe they are also just something my mind came up with.


this is so not real.


There was definitelly nothing I could say now since I couldn't believe this was real at all. To top this off, I was gaping with my mouth wide open and my eyes were probably also wide open because I couldn't believe what I just heard. This didn't make any sense at all. Why in the world were there two pro-heroes in the room and to top that off both said something about taking me home and taking care about me earlier... If this is reality them ama definitelly say I lost it.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Yamada: Well this is how it is. Anyways, don't worry about anything, we will take care of you.

Me: Why?

Aizawa: What do you mean why? We adopted you.

Me: ... WHY? I am useless and quirkless on top of it. There were soo many other perfect kids who would have loved it and needed a place to stay.

Yamada: Hold it there. Little listener, you also need a place to stay and you need it wayyy more than anyone else right now.

Me: But I am not worth it.

Yamada: Let us be the judge of that.

Aizawa: Just deal with it.

Yamada: SHO! That's now how you talk to a poor soul like his.

Aizawa: And how do you expect me to talk to him? This is the reality after all and there is nothing he can change about this.

Yamada: True but don't be so harsh on our little son.

Me: ....

Oh great....

I definitelly lost it...

This is not real!

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