So kiss me, and smile for me

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August 10th 1993.

Hello little black book! I have nothing much to say. It's just that I'm TOTALLY bored. (No internet, remember? This was almost like medieval times here.) 

It's almost 3:10am so I guess that makes it the 11th. I'm not sure why I can't sleep. I lay in bed and just think and think and think about all the stupid things I've done and all the things that happened last year with Jesse and Jen and how they could both do that to me. I am never drinking or doing anything again. I mean it's fun at the time, but fuck, it does things to you, makes you make stupid choices, fucks up your chemistry. I have an anxiety disorder now. Would I have always had it if I didn't party so much last year? (Maybe not. I always used to blame acid for messing up my head, because I had my first panic attack while on it. Perhaps I was already predisposed to being a worry wart, not the best mindset to experiment with psychedelics. LOL) 

And I have developed this terrible terrible cough. Tomorrow I may wake up with no voice. OH DREAD! Ha, I sound like a rich snob. 

Guess what I'm listening to? Peter, Paul and Mary. Oh please, eh? Well my parents used to make me listen to it on the road to the trailer and I used to enjoy it and I haven't listened to it in years. I'm just in a family mood I guess. (If you had a hammer, would you hammer in the morning?)

Tomorrow will be just another boring day.

Until Later

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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