Never Gonna Let You Go

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#EmoGoingStrong ^^

A/N: Hi guys :) this chapter was co-written by athenapollo ... please tell us what you think and if we should continue to co-write :) i love you all

ALSO: you can thank athenapollo for the last chapter too bc she gave me the motivation to update.

Jacks POV

School was incredibly boring as usual, though today I didnt mind at all. I was too busy thinking about what I was gonna do with Alex, and to be honest, I was a bit worried about that. Shut the fuck up, I thought, it'll be fine. Remember, he's your boyfriend now.

He smiled, still nervous. I still couldn't believe that he was mine. Was I the reason he was so stressed? I wanted to kiss him right here, right now. But I didnt, so we just stood here in an awkward silence, that I decided to break a few seconds later: "So... Uh.. Do you want to... maybe, skip the rest of the day and maybe.... uhh....."

"'Uhh' what?.." he said.

"Go to the park and then lunch or something?" I talked so fast, I was surprised he understood what I said.

"Yeah. Okay..", he looked down with a small smile. He was blushing. I resisted the urge to give him a giant hug. Could he be cuter? Seeing him here beside me, I felt like so horrible. How could I have done all those horrible thing to him? Im a terrible person. I dont deserve him, after what I've done. I just dont.

I shook it off and just enjoyed the fact that he was mine; he was skipping school with me; he was going to the park and lunch with me. And, so help me God, I loved him so much.

I loved this park because no one ever went to it and there were a lot of trees. As we walked to the park, I couldn't resist from slipping my hand into his. He looked at me, and I blushed. He smiled a bit and laughed faintly.

"What?" I asked.

He shook his head, looked down, then looked back up into my eyes. "I just can't believe any of this." He laughed faintly again. He was so adorable. Did I just say adorable? Oh my God.

"Me either, honestly." I said, quietly. "But I'm glad you're my boyfriend......" We we almost at the park.

He didn't say anything so I continued, "Alex.. I'm so sorry. I was terrible to you." We walked into the park and started towards a bench. "I don't deserve you at all. You are the best person I've ever met and I regret all the times I hurt you. And-"

I was cut off by Alex's lips on mine. I was caught by surprise at first, but I quickly melted into the kiss. He pulled away way too soon for my liking.

"It's okay, Jack. I forgive you. The past is the past, so lets just try to put it behind us. Okay?" We stopped next to the bench, but didn't sit yet.

"Okay.... But I'm still sorry and I'm going to try to make it up to you as much as I can."

"You don't have to. It's okay, really." he said

"But-" I started, but I was cut off, yet again.

"Just shut up and kiss me." He pulled me closer to him by my shirt and smashed his lips against mine. I was startled with his confidence but, hey, I wasn't complaining.

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