There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle

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A/N: My pictures may be irrelevant at times but whatever. Sorry I suck at updating but I've been binge watching anime on Netflix sooo.... Yeah.

Jack's POV

Alex is driving me crazy. He's so beautiful and expressive. I can't help but fall for him even harder than before.

I constantly find myself daydreaming about him. I wonder about how those lips would taste and feel. I wonder how his hand would fit in mine. I wonder about him.

He's so confusing. I want to help him and understand him. He doesn't trust me. I don't blame him. All I want is for him to realize I care.

When I got home, there was a note on the fridge.

I have to work late tonight. There's leftovers in the fridge. Knock yourself out.

My mom is a nurse so sometimes she has to work weird shifts. Dad left a few years ago so now it's just me and my mother. It's totally fine with me. I get to stay home alone for a while and literally knock myself out.

I went to the fridge and pulled out a few beers. When I'm sober I feel pain, so I'm going to stop this pain tonight. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cupboard and went to my room. I played some music in the background while I drank.

All I want to do is lie down and forget about him. He never leaves my head. I've let him down so many times. Every time I close my eyes I see the pain in his.

I'm so scared. I'm scared to get close, but I hate being alone. I'm terrified by my emotions. I long for that feeling to not feel at all. The more I think about him, the lower I sink into insanity. I can't drown my demons they know how to swim.

I just want to run. Run away from everything. I know it sounds crazy, but I can't take all of this.

It feels like forever until I pass out. When I finally did, See The Light by Green Day was playing.

Well I, I just want to see the light

And I, I don't want to lose my sight

Well I, I just want to see the light

And I need to know what's worth the fight

I've been wasted

Pills and alcohol

And I've been chasing.........

The lyrics faded away as I lost consciousness, but were clear as day when I woke up. Those words etched into my head made my stomach ache. I felt empty.

Walking Travesty (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now