Stuck In The Moment

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Hey guys... this is gonna be short update bc im not really in the mood to write (if you couldnt tell by my poor grammar)... so yeah... enjoy...

Jack's POV

I could not get Alex out of my head. When I closed my eyes all I saw was him. I had texted him a while ago. I dont know why. I dont know what I was expecting. He had texted me back, which made me feel better.

It was already time for me to get ready for school, but I didn't sleep well and I don't wanna get up. If I don't go to school, I might send Alex the wrong message. I would feel awkward if I went to school, too. Like, what will Kellin and Vic think? What will happen between Alex and I?

I didn't bother with dressing nice or anything I just wore a t-shirt and sweatpants.

I walked to school and contemplated what to do. I was almost to school when I couldn't take it anymore. I whipped out my phone and texted Alex.

To Alex:
I have a question.... what exactly are we... like.. us? is there an us orr...? ~ J

I waited for a reply while continuing my walk to school. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and had to take a closer look.

I saw two people sitting behind the bleachers, smoking something, laughing and holding hands. Then they kissed and I felt really awkward just standing there watching them. I got a glimpse of Oli's face and figured that the other one was Josh because they're good friends and because of his hair and height.

I was happy for them, honestly. I want to do stuff like this with Alex. Maybe not the drugs part, but other than that, I would gladly do that with him.

I felt a buzz in my hand and hastily checked my phone.

From Alex:
I don't know....... whatever you want it to be I guess...

I replied as fast as I could.

To Alex:
Alex... will you be my boyfriend??? ~ J

I hope I don't regret this, I thought to myself.

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