2. An Evening Chat

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The day went by quickly. Moondancer didn't share all of the same classes with Sour and Sunny, but they were together in science. Moondancer was leaving the school when Sunny approached her again.

"Wow, I still don't know what I would've done if you hadn't helped me with that project," Sunny said.

"Of course, it was a simple project," Moondancer replied. "For me, of course." She added. She didn't want Sunny to take it the wrong way.

"Um..." Sunny hesitated a bit. "I haven't really done this before, but do you want to like...exchange numbers? Might make it easier to contact each other if we just wanna talk or have questions about school or something. You know, you can always ask me too...but I probably don't know what I'm doing." She laughed.

"Okay, sure," Moondancer said. She told Sunny her number as Sunny typed it into her own phone.

"Thanks! I'll text you later," Sunny said. "I've gotta get home and start tackling this mountain of homework we got today, ugh. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, try to...have a good evening," Moondancer waved. She saw her mom's car in the distance, and began walking over.

"Hi, sweetie." Her mom said as she got in the back seat. "How was school?"

"It was unexpectedly fun." She started. "I learned a lot, I got to explore the school, and I even made a new friend...possibly 2."

"Wow, already?" her mom said, a bit surprised. She knew Moondancer struggled to make friends. "I'm so proud of you. I know how worried you were about not fitting in. So, you like Crystal Prep?"

"Yes! I love it."


Moondancer was in her bedroom sitting at the desk, looking over the day's homework. There was quite a lot compared to her old school, not that it was a bad thing for her though.

"Hey Moony. Studying this late?" her mom's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

Moondancer looked up. "You know me, always want to be a few steps ahead!" she said.

"Ahead of who?" her mom asked.

"...myself." she laughed, not really having an answer. It was true, she hadn't compared herself to others much before.

"Well, I'm going to go get ready for bed. You should too," her mom said.

"I'm nearly done with this homework," Moondancer replied.

"You work so hard," her mom said.

Moondancer smiled. "Don't worry mom. I'm just making sure everything is perfect. I'll go to bed soon."

"Okay, well goodnight." Her mom hugged her and left, closing the door. Moondancer looked back to her homework sheets. She revised her answers once more, then got up to get ready for bed. That should be good.

She was about to change when her phone rang. Who could be calling her at 8:30? She picked it up. "Hello?

"Hi, Moondancer?" a voice came from the other end.

"Hello, do I know you?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's me Sunny Flare from school." Sunny replied.

"Oh. Hi!" she said, now she realized why the voice was so familiar. "How are you?"

"Doing okay, I guess," Sunny answered. "Could be better. Did you get such intense homework too?"

"Not in my opinion, I've just finished up," Moondancer said. "And double checking all my answers."

"I wish I could be like you," Sunny sighed. "I don't know if I'm even gonna get it done in time. I'm really so worried. Moondancer, I would never ask this normally but could you tell me just a couple answers?"

Moondancer paused. She thought for a moment. "That...wouldn't be right. You need to learn it yourself. You know, they give out homework for a reason. Don't do it just to please the teachers, but do it for yourself. That's what I do! Even if I'm reading something for an assignment and I get curious, I go research it. basically, studying is my hobby."

"Well, it's late and I'm tired." Sunny said. "But if you're not comfortable with it deary, I totally understand."

"Thanks." Moondancer said, glad Sunny didn't think she simply didn't want to help. "You should consider it though, must be kind of miserable learning things for someone else."

"It is." Sunny agreed. "I don't care about geometry, how can I find a passion for it?"

"I guess it's each to their own." Moondancer said.

"So, what time do you go to bed?" Sunny asked.

"Usually by 9:00." She glanced at the clock, it was 8:45 now. "Oh my gosh, it's getting late."

"Yeah, I usually go to bed around 10." Sunny explained. By the time I finish my homework it's so late, I have no time for my hobbies."

"Oh yeah?" Moondancer said. "What are those?"

"I enjoy performing arts, acting and stuff." Sunny continued. "And sometimes, singing too. But I didn't get to do any of it today. Oh well, I guess I'll figure this out. Maybe tomorrow we could talk about it in the evening?"

"We'll see." Moondancer said.

"Or whatever of course." Sunny said. "Don't think I just want to get information or anything, I really do want to be friends. I just...well, most people in crystal prep stay to themselves. I like how you kind of came out yourself and talked to Sour Sweet."

Moondancer smiled. She had done the right thing. She had been thinking that Sunny was the one who started the friendship, but if she hadn't talked to Sour Sweet, Sunny might not have noticed her. "It's what my old friends would've done." She said.

"Oh, why aren't you friends anymore?" Sunny questioned. "If you don't mind."

"Well, I transferred schools and we just don't have time for each other and fell out of touch." She said. It had been difficult to accept the last few weeks. "I hear from them every now and then, but I kind of want to start new."

"Sounds good!" Sunny said.

"Hey Moondancer, what answer you got for question 11?" Sour Sweet asked, finally making herself known.

"Sour Sweet, weren't you listening?" Sunny scolded her. "She doesn't want to share her answers with us and that's totally okay."

"Oh, whatever." Sour said. Then she used her sweet voice. "Hi Moondancer, how you been?"

Moondancer laughed. She could imagine Sour Sweet's expressions. "Busy. But it looks like I'm finally done. Going to bed soon. But I can't wait to see you two tomorrow, maybe we can do something after school. Like take our homework somewhere?"

"There's a nice café downtown!" Sunny suggested. "Great idea. We'll head over there after school?"

"Sounds like a plan." Moondancer replied. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Moondancer." Sunny said. "Uh...do you have any nicknames?"

Moondancer thought a moment. "Not any I like, let's leave it at that." The girls all laughed. When the call ended, it was nearly 9:00. As Moondancer got ready for bed, she couldn't stop smiling. Everything was going to be okay.

I get to see my friends tomorrow.


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