14. Moondancer's audition!

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~ 3 years later: Canterlot University ~

It was Moondancer's final year in college. She had just turned 22 in September, about a month ago. Life was going great. Well, in her opinion. She never made any more friends, but that was okay for her. She still didn't need anything but her studies.

It was another day in her dorm room when she received the usual call from her mom in the evening. "Hi, mom."

"Hello Moondancer," her mom said. "How was class today?"

"Long, but fun," Moondancer replied. "It's a good thing. I'm just about to write something else right now."

"Okay, well I'll leave you to it," her mom said. "I just wanted to tell you one thing that I saw today. You know that group, the Magicverse Girls? You follow them, don't you?"

Moondancer paused. "Yes, a few of them."

"Well, I was walking downtown and I saw a flyer for auditions," her mom explained. "You could try out to be a Magicverse Girl."

Moondancer laughed. "Yeah right, if I were a model or popstar."

"No, they have all kinds of different subjects they do training for," her mom continued. "Singing, dancing, script writing, song writing, acting, performing...and I know how you love writing scripts."

"Yes, maybe," Moondancer said. "But I can't dance or act or...perform. Besides, I have 6 more months left here."

"You don't need to do all of them, just a few," her mom continued. "You have a beautiful voice and your writing is just outstanding. You're so young, Moondancer, you should try out."

"But- but I won't get accepted," Moondancer said. "Besides, it's not even what I want to do."

"Well, just keep it in mind," her mom said.

"I mean, I don't even like music that much," Moondancer laughed.

"All I know is if you don't take this chance, then you could regret not doing it," her mom told her. "I didn't check when the auditions are. Maybe it's months away, but I think you should go."

"Really?" Moondancer asked.

"Really," her mom answered. "I believe you can get in with your writing alone. I know you write poetry sometimes as well. Do you think you could write music?

"Well...I don't know," Moondancer hesitated. "Even if I could, there's still one problem. My old friends are Magicverse Girls too. I- I don't know if I could see them again, much less work with them."

"Moondancer, it's something I've told you all your life," her mom started. "Don't let anyone else get in the way of your success. Think about it. Goodnight, sweetie."

"Night," Moondancer said, turning off the call.

For the rest of the evening, her mom's words stayed with her. She could actually write scripts for Magicverse. Well, she already did sometimes, but they could actually be seen. The 'Crystals' were the only thing in her way.

Don't let anyone else get in the way of your success.

Moondancer stared out the window thoughtfully. Maybe her mom had a point.


"And...my script is submitted!" Moondancer tapped a button on her computer, while on video call with her parents. She looked at her phone and smiled. It had been a week since she found out about the Magicverse auditions, and decided she would go for it. "My auditions are complete. I tried out for scripting, song writing, and I even sent them a clip of my singing."

"I'd be surprised if they don't call you back tomorrow," her dad said.

"There would be something wrong with them if they don't recognize how gifted you are," her mom added. "So proud of you. I wish I could hug you!"

Moondancer smiled. "Thanks. I kind of hope I get in now."


It had been 3 months since Moondancer auditioned for Magicverse. She figured that they didn't like what she had sent, or never got around to it. She thought they would at least let her know if she didn't get in, and why.

She had tried contacting them several times by emailing and calling, but never got any response. They said it could take at least 3 days to hear back, but they never said the longest it could take. However, there was no news on their website about new trainees, so she figured they were keeping it secret or still hadn't chosen anyone.

She needed to start thinking about submitting her writing somewhere else. As she was lost in her thoughts, her phone rang. She assumed it was her mom. But when she picked it up and saw who it really was, she gasped and answered as fast as she could.

"H-hello?!" she said quickly.

"Hello, is this Moondancer?" a female voice asked her.

"Yes, yes, it is!" Moondancer replied, her heart leaping in her chest. "This is Magicverse Entertainment, right?"

"Correct," the woman replied. "Moondancer, we are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Magicverse Entertainment."

It took everything she had to not start screaming with excitement. "Oh my gosh, yes! Thank you so much!"

The woman laughed. "We were very impressed with your writing and singing abilities. Would it be possible for you to fly here in 3 months to begin training?"

"Yes, yes!" Moondancer squealed. "I'll book my tickets now!"

"No worries, we'll take care of it," the woman said. "You will have a place to stay here for the 3 months of training until graduation, and then you will be given a place of your own for the rest of your time as a Magicverse Girl."

"What was my audition score? Who else got in? Will I get to meet Adagio Dazzle? Tell me everything!"


And that's the end of my very first book, Moondancer's Memories!!! *cries*

This book was such an emotional adventure to write, and it's just the beginning!! Continue to follow Moondancer's life in Magicverse in my upcoming book, "Magicverse Adventures". I can't wait to share it with you! -Faith x

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