12. Her final decision

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The next day, Moondancer was on her way to class, still thinking about the afternoon before. Hopefully, Winter Sky would understand now and leave her alone.


No such luck. She heard Winter Sky calling to her and running up to her, out of breath. "Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday, whatever I said to upset you," he said.

"It's not your fault," she replied. "It's just that...friendship is a bit of a sensitive topic for me."

"Okay then, we don't have to be friends," Winter continued. "We don't have to call it anything. How about...study buddies? We can talk about studies together. You don't have to help me. I don't have to help you. We can just get together and talk if we want."

"Well...I don't know," Moondancer hesitated. "Let me think about it?"

"Of course," Winter said. "It's totally your choice. You just...well, honestly you seem really lonely to me. You go to class and straight back to your room without talking to anyone. And sometimes you go to the café or the park. Just think about it, okay? And if you don't want to, I won't talk to you anymore. you just seemed like you need a...companion."

Moondancer thought for a minute. She really didn't want to get attached and have something happen...but he could be different. "Okay, fine. I'll get back to you later."


A few hours later after the day's lessons, Moondancer had made her decision. She was going to give him a chance. It had been a long time since all that happened with Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet, and maybe...just maybe some social interaction would do her good. Between her studies, of course.

Once she was able to find Winter, she approached him. "Winter? I've made my decision. I think I want to be your companion."

Winter jumped in the air, causing her to laugh. He smiled widely. "Great! I'm glad to hear that."

"I'm not sure exactly what it involves, but you're right," she continued. "Maybe talking to someone else every now and then could be good for me."

"Cool, I'll give you my number," he said, reading his number to her as she typed it in her phone.

"Thanks," she said. "I'll...see you around then, Winter."

"Yup, see you later!" he said, continuing down the hallway. Moondancer decided to go to the café that afternoon and study there. She thought about inviting him, but he would distract her. This 'companionship' would only work if her studies came first. And she would always make sure of that.


That evening, Moondancer had decided to reach out to Winter and invite him over to her room once she had finished writing for the day. They were sitting on her couch, and she was having some hot chocolate.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" Winter asked. "If anything?"

"I love music," Moondancer replied. "My favourite singer of all time is Adagio Dazzle."

"Oh, so you're into Magicverse music," Winter smiled. "Me too. I really like Sunny Flare from the Crystals."

Moondancer almost choked on her hot chocolate. "Yeah, uh..." she stuttered. "Not a big fan of her. Or any of them."

"Why is that?" Winter asked.

Moondancer paused. That was not a story she would ever be ready to tell. "Just not my style. I like the Dazzlings."

"Yeah, me too," Winter agreed. "You got a favourite show?"

"Infatuation," Moondancer said. "I haven't caught up on the latest of season 2, but I do like the drama. It's very well written, and there are lots of great plot twists."

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