11. Canterlot University

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~ 2 years later: Canterlot University ~

The last couple years had gone by quickly, and they been just as Moondancer expected. She studied as hard as she could, staying at the top of the class for as long as she was at Crystal Prep. Graduation Day had been the best day of her life, but that was changed day she was accepted into Canterlot University. She was finally going to focus on her writing, just what she had always wanted.

Moondancer walked into her new dorm room, just a week after her 18th birthday. She smiled when she saw how big it was, and knew her time here was going to be amazing. Her dad came in behind her and put the last box down near the door.

"Thanks dad," she said, walking back to the door where her parents were. "I can take it from here."

"Are you sure?" her dad asked.

"Yes," Moondancer replied, giving him a hug. "Thanks for coming with me. I'll call you when I get settled in." her mom hugged her as well, looking like she was going to cry. "I'm gonna miss you guys," Moondancer sighed.

"We'll miss you too," her mom said. "I just can't believe you've grown up so much. We'll keep your room just as it was, okay? When you come home, it'll be perfect."

"Okay," Moondancer said, letting go of them. "Love you guys."

"We love you too," her mom said. "Are you sure you don't need any help unpacking?"

"Yes, I've got it," Moondancer laughed. "Bye!"

Her parents left, closing the door. She sighed and sat on the bed and looked around, dreaming about the week coming up. She couldn't wait to learn more about English and writing, it was really her passion. After a minute, she got up and picked up one of the few boxes by the door. She didn't bring that much with her, and most of the boxes were full of books.

It was too quiet. Before anything, Moondancer got out her phone and turned on her favourite Adagio Dazzle playlist. Yes, she was still just as big of a fan as she was before. Now that the proper music was on, she could make this room a little more her style.


Moondancer got up early Monday morning. She would have normally gone back to sleep for a few minutes, but she was too excited to close her eyes again. She got the books and supplies she needed for the first lesson and headed out the door.

After a few turns, Moondancer realized she had no idea which way she was going. It must have been obvious, because a boy who looked to be the same age as her walked up to her, waving. He was light blue and had dark purple hair.

"Hey, you seem kind of lost," he spoked up. "Do you need help finding your way around?"

"Well, no, I'm sure I could figure it out myself," she said. "I'm just taking my time. And I'm very good at finding my way around, so no thanks." Moondancer turned around and started walking in one direction, not sure of where it went, but she had to try something.

"That's the exit, if you're looking for the classroom," the boy called to her.

Moondancer turned around. "...Oh." She said, turning back and trying the other way.

"And that's the way you just came from, where the dorm rooms are," he called to her again.

She stopped and turned around. Alright then. There was only one other hallway, so she finally decided on that one. "See? Process of elimination."

The boy laughed to himself. "Okay, then."


Moondancer had thoroughly enjoyed her first class, and learned a lot of new information already. The boy who had tried to help her earlier was also in the same class, of course. She didn't like him for some reason, he seemed very conceited.

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