IX. Chess

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Hello my dear readers. Welcome back to Who are You! I am happy I've been able to get into the story as much as I have and I apreciate the support. Now without further adue, Enjoy the Show!



Threatening voice


"Not even the strongest of people are safe from themselves. Everyone has their inner demons Rias," -Cam

(3rd POV.)

This fight was an eye opener to Rias. The horseman were nuetral to her and her peerage now. The fragil non-agression pack was basically nullified by Trev and Issei with this fight. They had lost making the situation much worse. She was about to confront the horseman for Issei's current state, but Cam, Trev, Ravel, Serafall, Rossweiss, Asia, and Allan had already teleported away. Jack was the only one left, as he was making sure Issei was stable and would not die. The ORC was boiling with anger. She had called Kiba and Gasper who had recently arrived to see the damage done to Issei. Kiba seemed worried and Gasper apathetic. Issei was alive, but he would be unable to do much for the next few weeks. She didn't get to even get a plan of action before shouting was already heard.

Xenovia: You're such a bastard! We should of been able to help, but no. You had to let Issei, the one I love, get riddled with holes by that bastard Trev!


Jack looked at them. He wore a wide smile, but Rias noticed it was much wider than his usual one.

Jack: We-

Akeno itterupted him and struck him in the chest with lightning. Tears were streaming down her face.

Akeno: Don't even talk Jack. I am so sick of all the shit that comes out of your mouth. 

Irina: First you lie, then you threaten Sona while accusing Issei of something he didn't do, and now you allowed him to nearly be killed all because he flirted with Rossweiss!

Jack stared at the four women before him His eyes showed pure shock. His smile vanished. Rias felt her blood run cold as she noticed the sudden drop in temperature. Jack's eyes covered by his hair.


Koneko felt tears roll down her face as her anger just kept growing. 

Koneko: Of course, no answer. Apart of me actually hoped that part of the old you was still there, but I was completely foolish for believing that. 

Koneko grabbed a necklace around her neck and yanked hard. The chain snapped as she threw it at Jack's feet. 

Koneko: Take that and shove it up your ass, you worthless freak.

The young neko and the others all went to Issei and teleported away. Kiba walked up to Jack and gave a slight bow before also leaving. Gasper was different.

Gasper: Jack. 

Jack: ...Yeah?

Gasper:Please be careful

Jack: Heh, no promises.

Gasper let out a sigh before he also vanished. 

Only Rias remained. She was surprised a bit. That felt out of character for her peerage, but she understood their feelings. 


Rias didn't get to think much more as suddenly a wave of ice exploded along with lightning. It destryoed the forest to the right of Jack. Rias was surprised. Not because of her brothers out burst, or the situation. No it was the wet spots that littered the ground below him. He slowly calmed a bit. He kneeled slightly and grabbed the necklace. Rias looked closely and saw what it was. She felt hurt as she recognized the small pearl eyed cat necklace he grabbed. She looked at him as his insane grin reapeared. 

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