IV. The Soldier's Reason

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Hello once again back to "Who Are You?". This week for me has been a bit crazy with getting sick and starting to workout again. Thankfully I am fully rested and healthy once again. Now I actually am to one of the parts I've actually had major plans for since I began and now it's time for a major writing season. Also please remember in this AU Riaser hasn't shown yet. With that out of the way, Enjoy the show!



Threatening voice


"The only thing that scares you more that your fears is the unknown of what might happen to you." - Allan Higgins

(POV 3rd)

~Location ORC club house~

Rias was doing paperwork. After all of the strangeness that happened yesterday, she was understandably in need of a distraction from life at the moment. Luckily for her doing paperwork was a great way to get her mind off of things. Yesterday just took everything out of her. From Teal's true reasons finally being revealed to her to the fight and the strange figure that brok into the barrier without her noticing. It was all quite concerning to the young heiress. So here she was working on papers with only one other person in the room. Strangely enough it was Teal. He was up in the rafters of the open room again reading a book. He was quiet and observant today, a change from his usual relaxed and arrogant self.

His state of mind was similar to Rias's. He was on alert, but it was because he was dreading the arival of her Fiance. He had met him before and hated the guy, and now with a new memeber he needed more information than before. He sighed and turned another page as he heard the bell for classes ring. He slowly closed his book and looked down at the red head.

Teal: You should tell them you know.

Rias paused her work. She let out a defeated sigh.

Rias: I know. I plan to today. With him drawing closer every day they need to know so they can prepare properly. 

Teal: Very true. You may also want to tell them about Jack.

Rias looked up at the male curious.

Rias: Why?

Teal: You're brother's contributions and style of fighting may give them an idea. If i remember he spoke about his fights with the false chicken.

Rias let out a small giggle and nodded.

Rias: True. I will tell them then. It might even inspire some of them.

Teal: You'll need the other two.

Rias: I already asked them to come and they did.

Rias was about to continue but she felt Teal's presence disappear and sure enough the rest of the ORC arrived. Though Rossweiss was cuddled up against Trev smiling like crazy giving Rias a small sense of comfort for the news she was about to tell her team.

Kiba: So president, why are we having this meeting today? You sounded like it was important and you haven't been in classes all day.

Asia: Yeah it's worried us a lot.

The other members nodded in agreement. Rias looked at all of them. Gasper sitting in his box next to Koneko both giving a slightly curious look at her. Akeno with visable worry as normally Rias would explain things to her first. Rossweiss giving a very maternal look at Rias. Irina, Asia, and Xenovia all wearing very concerned looks. And Issei who seemed to be really bothered by his king's lack of information and absense in classes. She took a deep breath in and began to explain.

Who are you? (High school DxD x OC)Where stories live. Discover now