VI. The True Return of Jack Bael

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Ah that last chapter took longer than expected, but I hope I'll be able to get this out to you sooner. I also want to thank my readers as I finally passed 50 readers recently! Now It's time to meet Jack and his true ideals and personality. With that out of the way, Enjoy the show!



Threatening voice


"You know Hehe, death is a common fear. After all the fear of the unknown scares everyone. But, I think that a meaningless life is more terrifying. Who cares if you die as long as you left your mark on the world? Hehe maybe it's because I'm crazy that I don't fear death.... or maybe it's because I'm crazy I can see the truth of this world HAHAHEHEAHA," - Jack Bael

(POV 3rd)

Everyone was stunned into silence at the arival of the long thought dead Bael. He stood there laughing insanely at the reactions of the crowd.

Jack: What's wrong? You all look like you've seen a dead man, ahahahahahaha. Now I wonder, does Kaset still think I can't put her back where she belongs.

He suddenly appeared behind the bishop and burried his twin short scythes through her torso. He turned them sideways and pulled, bisecting the poor girl.

Jack: Maybe I wasn't clear enough... oh well redo!

He proceded to throw a vial of Phenex tear at the girl completely healing her. She looked at him in terror as he loomed over his crazed smile ever present. He burried one blade into her knee causing her to scream in agony.

Jack: Hmmmm not loud enough.

He drove the other into her other knee. She let out an ear shattering scream. As Jack smiled and laughed in enjoyment.

Jack: Hehehehe such sweet music. Now you're probably wondering why it hurts worse than anything you've ever felt?

He looks at her waiting for aqn answer, but only getting screams of pain in response.

Jack: Not the talkative type huh? I can work with that. You see my blades are special. Each time they cut into someone all the pain they've ever caused, both emotional and physical, pours into their bodies. The longer they are in the longer the pain.

He sees her screaming still and fianlly decides to remove the blades.

Jack: See not so bad after they're gone huh?

He gave her a beaming smile.

Kaset: Wh-what i-

Before he burried his blade through her chest.

Jack: I never said you could talk. Hehe that look in your eyes is so lovely. Now do me a favor and be quiet as I damn your soul.

He grabbed her head and lifted her up while the bone gloves pealed off his skin and proceeded to extend and begin to sink into Kaset's head. She began to scream once again begging for mercy and pleading with the crazed man holding her.


She continued to wail in pain. The next minute felt like an enternity to everyone else in attendence. Screams that will haunt a few for the rest of their lives. But finally the screaming stopped. Jack still smiling dropped her body on the ground.

Jack: Hehe such a pathetic toy you've given me Riser.

Meanwhile in the stands many were looking in Horror while the horseman and Gremory's looked completely unfased.

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