Chapter 10: Rhysand

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I merely picked at my food, the sight and sound of blood still far too prevalent in my mind for any kind of appetite. In an attempt to avoid questions, I ate every couple of minutes.

After an excruciating meal, the King ordered maps and lists of names to be brought to the war room. He stood, beckoned for us to follow him, and left. 

Gingerly, I stood, still worried my arms would fall out of their sockets, though they never did. We followed him back silently, no sound present other than the clicks of heels or boots on the cold, marble floor.

We walked down a short hallway, all of the important rooms seemingly close to the main throne. A General's office, war room, the King's office, and a medic area were all within arms length of one another. We turned right, walking into an extravagant war room.

Maps of every continent in the world were placed on the walls, weapons I had never even dreamt of were in glass cabinets or on racks around the room, along with sets of wings. Bat wings, they resembled.

The King approached me as the others were taking their seats. "Do you like them?" he whispered, not taking his eyes off the wings.

"Who's were they?"

He glanced to me out of the corner of his eye, seemingly intrigued at such a simple question. "Does it matter?"

I shrugged in response, not knowing how to answer. 

"They belong to a male from the Night Court."

Chills ran up my spine as I remembered the last time I met a fae from there.

"I take it you've met a representative," he mused.

A nod. "He, whoever he was, killed my father."

His voice was quiet, but steeled. "They do that."

I turned my head to look at him, but he walked away, finding his seat at the head of the table. I sat to his left, beside Briallyn.

He rolled out a large map of Prythian, lines drawn on it, cutting the map into pieces. Courts, I realized.

The Spring Court, where Tamlin was from.

"For a quick geography lesson," the King said, "The Courts are ruled by High Lords." His finger pointed to each Court as he spoke, "Rhysand is over Night, Tamlin over Spring, Kallias over Winter, Helion over Day, Thesan over Dawn, Tarquin over Summer, and Beron over Autumn. Each High Lord has an ability connected with their Court, and unfortunately, this makes them.. quite lethal. Especially in large numbers."

I nodded, trying to remember every name, every place. If we were going to war.. I needed every piece of intelligence necessary. Putting together the data Tamlin told me, I realized this should be an easy war.

So why did they seem worried?

He sighed and continued, "Back.. around 500 years ago, Prythian fought us. It was the first Great War. They all held slaves, human slaves," he noted, "and we didn't. We, being progressive, pushed back against their cruelty. And, as you've heard, they have plans to start this once again."

"They want to enslave us?" I asked, venom lacing my words.

Queen Briallyn nodded beside me, her expression solemn. "Especially the Night Court. They are the unofficial leaders of Prythian, what High Lord Rhysand desires often is accomplished. Especially now that he has a new High Lady."

The other Queens rolled their eyes, spite exuding off them.

The King's eyebrow raised, his dead eyes glittering ever slightly. "Does he really? I was uncertain if that lasted."

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