Chapter 15: Hellhound

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The sun rose, breaking over the world's edge, shining into my room. I'd been awake for a bit already, dreams of war keeping me from resting.

I swept my feet over the edge of the bed as the first ray of dawn hit my sheets. Today was the day. A day to decide fate. Fates of thousands- men, faes, children.

And I was going to be a part of that decision. A key piece.

My toes hovered inches above the floor, terrified to hit the wood. Because when I did, when I stood, gravity would hit me.

A knock on my door made the choice for me.

"Enter," I said, my voice quiet.

Marlia walked in, a small cup of peppermint tea in her hand. She still wore her nightgown, the one I gave her for her birthday a few months ago. 

I took the small cup of tea from her, nodding in thanks. But her smile was small in return. I asked, "How did you know I would be up?" 

She sat next to me on the bed, staring out into the sun. "I heard your discussions last night," she whispered. "You're going to meet the Night Court leaders today."

"Marlia," I sighed. "You cannot-"

"Eavesdrop?" She finished, her voice snipped. "Aelfrun, since when did I become just a maid to you?"

I blinked in return, not knowing how to respond. 

Her lip trembled as she spoke, swallowing deeply in between words. "You came to me everyday with your worries, troubles, heartaches. Now I feel.. I feel as if I don't even know you." She turned to me, her big eyes filled with tears. "I'm much older now than I was, I know, but-"


"I'm here for you, Allyfrun. When Nesta was taken from us all those years ago, I knew it would damage you permanently. But I was always here. Here to listen to your dreams on those mornings you stare out the window, wishing to be anywhere else."


"Here for all the times you failed in training, your fears of becoming Duchess, the hurt when your parents rejected you. Especially your father, he just wanted a weapon, never a child-"


Her lips pursed tightly, she snipped, "What?"

"Come with me today." Her eyes grew wide, jaw dropped. I nodded and pressed on, "Come along. You can wait at Nolan's estate until the King and I return from hunting. Be a part of the discussion."

Slowly, her frustration melted. Shoulders relaxed, eyes widened farther, lips curled into a smile. "I would love that," she whispered.

I drank the rest of my tea, listening to her thank me and go through a mental list of everything she would need for the day. Different clothes, parchments, quills and ink.

"Ride out to Nolan's when you are ready," I said, my voice even. "I have a winnowing stone from the King." She nodded, excitement shining through her eyes. "Do not inform them of my coming, we will need surprise on our side. It does wonders to rattle the senses."

Marlia stood, taking my empty cup, and gently picking up the pillow with my crown on it. "I'll bring this as well, love. But if I can ask, for an idea, what are we discussing today?"

My eyes glinted with amusement, though my face didn't change. "I thought you listened in."

Her face went slightly pink, looking down at the ground. "Well..."

"We are discussing war, Marlia. Nolan is hosting a group of faes from the Night Court. Betraying the cause. But, the King is clever. We will be using it to our advantage, attempting to glean a sense of how united the Courts are. More importantly, I will be attempting to dissuade them from fighting."

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