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"Hello! Luhan. I don't know where to start this but please take time to read my letter. Everything has gone crazy for the both of us. We were so happy together, I remembered the days, you bought me flowers, you cooked for me and many more. Well, to be honest; I am thankful and blessed to have you in my life. Things won't be the same again... I'm sorry for not being strong for you and us and I'm sorry for causing you pain. Please be happy because you deserve it :) -Hun"

Luhan POV
I don't understand him. What could he possibly thinking when he wrote this letter. Why he is like this. Sehun...

I don't know if I will be happy or upset about his letter to me. It doesn't make any sense because we're over.

I still need answers....

Sehun POV
"I feel dead inside and out. This is the most painful feeling I am experiencing right now. This place is hell. I wanted to escape but I can't because I am trapped. I keep on shouting and shouting but no one would help me. I am totally hopeless. They won't notice me. They won't let me go..."

My eyes are heavy and my head hurts because I slept too much. I haven't eaten. This is my daily routine since I was in this place.

My nightmares won't go. They won't leave me alone. They keep on coming back. I'm trying my best to be okay but I guess my nightmares will be always with me.

It's raining today, the rain keeps on falling just like my tears won't stop. I don't know why I am crying but I just know I'm deeply sad. I still like the rain because I feel safe and sound despite of the feeling of being lonely and dead.

Stay tuned :) sorry for not updating. - stuckinarnia / sehunslave

Two Different Tears - HunHanWhere stories live. Discover now