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Luhan’s POV

          “The pain is too much… How can I move on…

We’re fading… This is so sudden. I didn’t expect this… I can’t...”

I don’t know how to start again without Sehun. I feel useless and weak. I wish that I could change his mind. his rejection is really depressing. I love him so much but it’s now over… I did my best to get him back but it’s not enough...

Luhan is very tired and exhausted when he came home. He didn’t even eat his dinner and he just lay back on his bed thinking about the boy who loved him before.

Sehun’s POV

I don’t want to see the both us like this. I don’t want to hurt him but I need to let go because in the end he’s the one who will suffer because of me… I’m such a bitch for doing this to him but this is the best for us to go on our separate ways.

Luhan is so sad but he’sholding his tears; he left sehun inside the coffee shop. Words cannot describe how painful are they. Sehun chooses not to run and call Luhan back in the coffee shop. Sehun is hurt too but he needs to be strong for Luhan.

I don’t know what to do when he left me. I started to panic but I keep on telling myself that it is better like this. Our farewell is a disaster… Everything I planned didn’t turn out to be good yet I’m contented with our discussion.

It’s officially were over. I ruined him for making all this decision and excuses. I just want Luhan to have a happy life not with me because I’m just going to hurt him the most. I love him so much. I won’t forget all the memories with him. This sound ridiculous but I will love him always.  

“Luhan has left…you are gone… I should let go…”

Sehun cannot forget all the words that Luhan has said. He’s eyes are teary and he said to himself that Luhan will be back to him someday when everything is right. Sehun is still confused about everything but he assures himself to leave for the good.



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