Amala: A memory lost (Chp. 4)

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“It’s only been eight days,” Irene informed Katrine with an annoyed tone as she turned back towards the campfire, “stop watching the horizon.”

Katrine ignored her and looked back towards the line light that was slowly disappearing from their view. They had just barely made it through the week and still hadn’t reached the next town. The black velvet sky had finally stretched out over most of the land and the stars were the only guide, should they stray from the fire. The light cast by the flames would be just enough to read a letter, except she didn’t have one to read.

“Staring at the horizon like that isn’t going to make him appear any faster.” Irene shook her head again, “Besides, even you wouldn’t be able to see him over the mountains.”

Despite her down spirits, Irene watched a smile tug at the corner of Katrine’s mouth.

“He hasn’t sent a letter.” She frowned again, “If he did it would’ve reach us by now.”

“Katrine, something may have happen to the carrier, and they lost the letter somehow, or they’re simply delayed.” Irene suggested relieving Katrine of worry, “There’s a blizzard passing through Gaelvin peaks, and a very powerful one at that. It’ll last at least 4 to 5 days, and the carrier could be just passing through and simply be delayed. Stop worrying.”

Katrine shook her head, “I can’t help it.”

Irene rolled her eyes as she turned back to the fire and held her hands over the flames for warmth. Why Katrine had to be worrier she didn’t know, but it got her last nerve. All she would hear when they were gone was “I hope he’s ok”, “I wonder if he received the letter by now”, or “I hope there isn’t any troubles during their travel.”

Katrine’s worry almost made her wish he was back as well. Irene shook her head at her own thoughts. If Ryan didn’t insist own following Robert around like a little cub she would wish Robert back for good, but since he did she rather wished for them to take an extended stay in Farway. She’d prefer anything that kept Ryan out of her hair. The man was absolutely repulsive with the way he always poked around in her business like he had a say in what she did, but he kept her coming back.

Irene felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up in anger at her own thoughts while her hands clenched into fists to keep from showing her level of anger. He didn’t keep bringing her back; she came back of her own accord. He had no say in what she did, no influence either, and why was he invading her thoughts again? Yet another thing she hated about him.

“What did I do?” Ryan asked with worry as he stepped slowly away from Irene.

“Nothing, so don’t start.” Irene smirked as she stood and turned to walk off.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Katrine yelled out after her.

“On a walk.” Irene growled before disappearing in the shade of a nearby forest.

“Katrine….” Ryan began in question but Katrine shook her and said “Let her be.”

Ryan watched Katrine let a frown pull across her face as she stared out into the distance. They hadn’t noticed it before, but the night suddenly felt unseasonably cold, and the added breeze sent chills down her spine. If she had sat there any longer she would’ve gone numb and not have felt the blanket poking at her side as Ryan tried to hand it to her. She accepted it with a smile and nodded her thanks before pulling it open and wrapping it around her. She was prepared to stay awake as long as she needed to until the carrier arrived, even if it took days for them to get there.

Irene kicked the dirt beneath her feet in frustration. No amount of walking could take away the anger inside her that kept spreading this way and that. If Katrine wasn’t so hooked on Robert then she wouldn’t have to deal with Ryan, if Robert didn’t take a liking to Katrine, she wouldn’t have to deal with Ryan, and if he weren’t so damn stubborn and always in her face she wouldn’t have to worry about Ryan.

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