Amala: A memory lost (Chp. 7)

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Ryan stood outside Irene's room for what seemed like hours. Originally, he would have thought that she would have mustered up the strength to yell at him to go away, but she didn't. She had passed out withing seconds of lying down in the bed, and Ryan could here her breathing continue to slow as she drifted deeper and deeper into sleep. It was until he started yawning himself that he retreated to his own room.

He walked lazily through the doors to his room and made his way over to his bed. Taking off his shirt and pants, he began to lay down, thinking about the events of the day as he did. By all means it was a joyous day for Katrine, who was overjoyed at the fact that she and Robert could move along with their plans for marriage, but the day was good for him as well. Ryan and Irene had had one of their first civilized conversations, of course it was still probably childish to be so happy about it, but the fact was that it really was refreshing and he hoped that it would continue to be like that.

The fact was that when they had met 2 years ago, it was Ryan that was drawn to Irene instead of Robert being drawn to Katrine. Ryan found her just as mysterious and captivating as he did today, and she was as beautiful as she had ever been, but he was just as stubborn as she was. When it had seemed like Irene would never grant him a relationship with her, he gave up and just chose to deny everything, thinking maybe he'd forget about his feelings in the long run. The truth was that he never did, and in fact they had gotten stronger with time.

He sighed and rolled over in the bed, drifting off to sleep. He supposed that he should at least be happy about being on speaking terms with her now. The rest could be worked on at a later time. He just hoped it was before her sickness took over her and did more damage than could be fixed.


Ryan opened his eyes to find himself asleep under a tree. Confused he looked around to find that where he sat was in the middle of a field that he did not recognize by sight or smell. As he stood he noticed that he felt weightless and like he was floating on air, but almost as soon as he noticed this, gravity took hold again and he struggled for balance. He began to look around with a startled expression as more surroundings began to form around him. It was starting to be the oddest dream he had ever had, but the strangeness didn’t stop there.

Without warning trees began to sprout, hills began to form, and flowers began to bloom. When it had all finished, he was standing in a field of lilies, and as he picked one up he stared at it. The petals were white with large purple spots that almost resembled tears, almost as if the flower itself were crying.

“It’s an Amala lily, it cries for what is lost.” he heard a voice behind him sound, but when he turned around, he didn’t find anyone standing there.

“Over here silly!”He heard the giggling voice again and looked down to see a small child standing beside him.

She smiled up at him with a toothy grin as the purple ribbon in her hair whipped around in the wind. Her black curls never seemed to bother her when they flew in her face; she just simply pushed them away and looked back towards the field. The girl bore a striking resemblance to Irene with the way she kept looking back at him, and the occasional smiles that would spread across her face. It reminded him of something he had accused Irene of being once, and suddenly it hit him like a rock.

“They’re kind of like mama.” she stated sadly as she looked out into the field.

Ryan look back out into the field to see Irene standing there staring at the sky. She was wearing a purple dress made of silk that clung to her form yet draped around her feet, like something royalty would wear. Her hair wasn’t up like it usually was, but instead was draped over her shoulders and in soft curls that were tucked behind her ears to reveal her face. As beautiful as the rest of her was though, her expression was so sad and lonely that it nearly broke his heart just seeing her like that. Ryan jumped in his skin just as he watched Irene look back at him with the same expression.

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