Amala: A memory lost (Chp. 10)

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This one may seem a bit shorter than the others, but that may also be because I haven't been copying and pasting from Microsoft word lately. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think =D



"How shot are your senses?' Veral asked as Irene looked with her hands  for something to cover up with.

"I would assume that you're standing next to me, and I can barely sense you there." Irene answered after wrapping herself in a blanket, "Why?"

"Ryan has a habbit of eavesdropping doesn't he?" Veral smirked.

"Hey!" Ryan crossed his arms defensively, "You're the one that told me to wait."

Irene felt the color drain from her face as she cursed.

"Yeah, you never liked being close to others since Besaias." Veral shook his had as he walked towards the door and turned to Ryan, "She's all yours."

"Wait, you're just leaving us here?" Ryan asked quickly as Veral began to put on his boots and stepped outside into the snow.

Ryan watched Veral shrugged and closed the door behind him. He looked back at Irene after he heard Veral walk away from the door, leaving them alone. The irritation was clear on her face in the light of the fire and her muscles remained tense as he took a step closer. She looked away from him, avoiding his eyes even though she didn't know where they were, but she could still hear him well enough. Irene was definitely not pleased to have him there, but he wasn't about to leave, nor was he going to let the day be filled with silence. He supposed he could poke and prod her like he always had, but he knew what kind of reaction that would gain and she was still recovering. After a while he decided on what Shaina had suggested. Telling the truth couldn't really be that hard could it?

"So," Ryan spoke up, scratchiing the back of his head nervously, "other than that, is there anything else you hate?"

"You're never around to take my frusrations out on." she stated cooly.

"Well that's not really my fault," Ryan protested, "and why do you hurt yourself over it."

"I don't." she hissed before looking away again.

"Don't lie to me Irene," he began, "what were you doing the one night you were out in the woods?"

She grunted but for the most part stayed quiet. Turning her head to follow his footsteps as he came closer to the bed that she laid in. She felt the dip in the mattress and frowned. Apparently he planned on trying to talk to her, and she couldn't necessarily push him away. She didn't have enough strength and if she did, she'd have her sister on her ass for it. It would really be his fault though.

"Can't you go somewhere else?" she groaned as he settled in.

"Ah, I probably could if that would make you happy and I bet that it would," Ryan found himself rolling his eyes before lifting up his foot and pulling off his snow covered boot, "but unfortunately for you, I plan to stick around."

"Why?" she demanded, "There's nothing here for you."

Ryan laughed and shook his head.

"I wouldn't say that."

Irene could hear the smile in his voice and instantly knew what he meant, but she had to hear him say it.

"Why then?" she asked again.

Ryan smiled as he tugged his shirt off and wrung it out in a pale near the bed, "Tell me, did hating me really start with what you just said?"

He watched Irene think about it and shake her head. Yeah, he didn't think so, though he was really starting to like this whole truth method. So far he was getting further than he every had in a normal conversation, and he wasn't intending to stop now. He could feel her opening up to him with each word they spoke to each other.

Amala: A memory lost [On hold]Where stories live. Discover now