Amala: A memory lost (Chp. 9)

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“She’s a…” Ryan began and Veral nodded, “and you’re a…”

Shaina nodded when he pointed towards her.

“Gahh!” Ryan scratched his head with both hands as he tried to absorb the new information.

Eight seconds ago, Irene was just Irene, the one he had known and fallen for over the past two years, and now she was a Queen. He just couldn’t imagine her running a country with the way she was now, of course she was probably a lot different before she lost her memory, and she did have a way with planning things out and giving orders, but that seemed like a job suited for a general or something. Not to mention the fact that she was his mate, and if all things went well, he would be by her side as king, and what if she regained her memory of this? Would things between them change for the worst? It was all too much to handle.

“She won’t be any different than she was before.” Veral explained, sensing his worries, “If anything she’ll be more calm and poised because she does not want people to think less of her. That would go for you as well.”

“But I would never think less of her.” Ryan defended himself but Veral raised his hand to interrupt.

“She doesn’t know that.”

Ryan let out a soft frustrated growl.

“So what happens when she comes to, wont she have to like return to her country or something like that?” he asked and Veral slowly shook his head, “So what am I supposed to follow her around like a pup? She won’t want me there.”

“How would you know?” Shaina asked promptly, “How do you know that she already doesn’t enjoy your presence? Can you read her mind?”

Ryan shook his head.

“Then don’t assume, you know what it makes you look like.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Ryan rolled his eyes.

Ryan looked back at Irene in wonder. Her black hair was now a tangled mess from her tossing and turning, and her face was peaceful and happy for the time being, making him hope that she stayed that way until she woke. He knew Irene would never admit things at this point, and the only way to get her to unknowingly confess things was to argue with her, but he had a feeling that that wasn’t going to help his situation.

“Maybe you should start telling her the truth.” Shaina suggested again and Ryan raised an eyebrow in her direction, but she simply shrugged, “In my experience, you get a real reaction from telling the truth.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, she’s not going to expect you to be telling the truth when you say something like, she’s beautiful or you love her,” Shaina began, “so when she does see the truth in it, whatever reaction comes next is closely related with how she feels.”

“Hmm…” Ryan began as he looked back towards Irene thoughtfully, “Do you thing that would work?”

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