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Hard rain pelted down onto the roof and against the windows, as it had done all day. Typical Irish weather. If it wasn't raining it was blowing a gale or just dull and gloomy. It was rare to see the sun much in Ireland, something Vanessa was often thankful for.

Vanessa liked the wet and windy weather, despite it being an absolute nightmare on her hair. Anytime she'd step foot outside she ended up looking like a cartoon character who'd been electrocuted, their hair sticking up in all directions.

But still, she loved it.

It was closing time at the restaurant Vanessa worked at and being the sous chef meant she was usually one of the last people to leave for the night. Tonight was a slow night, Mondays usually were, so there wasn't as much cleaning up to do as there had been over the weekend.

Vanessa was wiping down the counters, the sound of the rain was all that could be heard as it continued to patter against the building, most likely going to stay that way all night. It was peaceful, and it got even better when a loud rumble of thunder echoed above her.

If there was one thing Vanessa liked more than regular wet and windy weather, it was thunderstorms.

"Ness, that's me off!" Zack, the head chef, called over to her as he zipped up his coat, his thick Irish accent barely understandable.

"All right, I'll see you tomorrow!" Vanessa called back, her own accent was strong but not as strong as Zack's, unless she got angry, then it sounded like she was speaking in tongues.

"See you tomorrow!" Zack's voice faded and was followed by the door opening, the loud patter of the rain and then the door slamming shut, leaving only Vanessa left in the building.

It didn't take her long to finish wiping down the counters, throwing the crumbs into the sink before untying her apron and hanging it up. A few loose curls had fallen from her bun and she blew them gently from her face as she grabbed her coat, zipping it up fully and pulling her hood over her head of ginger hair.

Vanessa gave the kitchen one last look round before nodding in satisfaction and switching off the light. The rain hit her immediately as she stepped outside, her fabric coat already soaked before she'd even managed to lock the door. She should really invest in a new proper rain coat.

Luckily enough, Vanessa lived barely a five minute walk away from the restaurant which meant she wouldn't have to be outside long, not that she cared. There was something comforting about a walk in the rain, especially at night. Had Vanessa lived in a big city or even a larger town she'd be scared to walk alone at night, but this was a small town, the population being that of around 500, so she wasn't all that worried.

Splashes of her feet in the puddles followed her down the road, it lit up well by the streetlights and the interior lights of the houses surrounding her. A loud rumble of thunder made her jump as she turned the corner towards her house, passing the local shop on her way. She took a mental note to stop by tomorrow morning before work, she needed bread.

Vanessa lived in a small bungalow that had been passed down throughout her family, inherited from her grandmother who passed a few years back. It was a quiet neighbourhood, those who lived there were mainly older couples, some retired and some nearing it.

Vanessa was quiet herself, she wasn't the rowdy or party type, much preferring to stay at home during her spare time, watching movies or baking for the neighbours. Tonight was no exception as she planned on showering, changing into her pyjamas and curling up in bed with a horror flick on the TV and a cup of tea in her hands, perfection.

Except tonight seemed to go nothing like that as when Vanessa stepped into her apartment, shaking droplets of rain off her hood before hanging up her coat, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Lucky Charm // Sam Winchester ✔️Where stories live. Discover now